The title sponsor of the German international equestrian teams in the Olympic disciplines, AGCO/Fendt, has given up its impartiality as a sponsor and chosen the side of Isabell Werth in her lawsuit against the German Equestrian Federation following her 6-month suspension after a positive medication test on her horse El Santo NRW.
On Thursday 30 January 2014, AGCO/Fendt sent a press release to the European equestrian media in which the company explicitly requests the ending of the lawsuit against Isabell Werth. "We do not appreciate the unfair treatment of this world class rider and demand to immediately dismiss charges,” said Peter-Josef Paffen, Vice President and Chairman of the AGCO/Fendt Management Board.
According to Fendt, "Isabell Werth has shown that the alleged contamination of the urine sample of her horse was caused by the contamination of the watering system of the stable. An expert assigned by Isabell Werth verified this. Another expert hired by the German Equestrian Federation (FN) came to the same conclusion. In the opinion of the disciplinary commission a possible contamination through the drinking system is considered to be highly unlikely. The disciplinary commission considers a contamination via the bars a more probable cause and is therefore of the opinion that the rider has violated her responsibilities in regards to supervision."
Isabell Werth was sentenced to a 6-month suspension from competition for negligence, but the rider, who was already suspended for doping once in 2009, is appealing the decision and suing the federation for damages.
In its press release, Fendt further added that, "it is not okay to judge such a renowned rider based nothing more than speculation and to dismiss the opinion of independent experts. No association should treat its most valuable team members like this."
AGCO/Fendt is a major tractor building company run by German international dressage judge Martin Richenhagen, who lives in Atlanta, GA, U.S.A.
The German equestrian federation responded "with big surprise and disappointment" to Fendt's press release with an official statement. "We have no sympathy for this step, especially because in the last few weeks we offered our partner Fendt an explanation of the functioning of our jurisdiction. It is unbelievable that a sponsor is actively trying to influence the legal process," said the president of the German FN, Count Rantzau.
The German FN added that "for many years the German equestrian sport has an independent and official legal system which is based on the national regulations of the anti-doping agency NADA. The members of the disciplinary committee and court of arbitration are independent and don't have any official functions within the federation. Most of them are lawyers (and one veterinarian) and have yearlong experience in equestrian sport and breeding."
Count Rantzau added, "we, the FN, cannot and will not influence the decision-making process of the court. We esteem Isabell Werth as a very successful athlete, but that does not matter to the court. All equestrian athletes in Germany are treated the same way."
Photo © Astrid Appels
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