Twenty-five years after the fall of the iron curtain Europe is melting together and the passion for horses connects people across borders. In connection with the 500th jubilee of Marbach the European State Studs Association (ESSA) invites to a Festival of European Stud Culture at Germany’s oldest state stud.
Thirty of the most renowned horse breeding institutions belong to the ESSA network. Already on July 3rd the directors of the ESSA partner studs will hold their annual conference at Marbach. On July 4th and 5th guided tours around the Marbach stud premises and a symposium about European Stud Culture are on offer.
Notable speakers are expected, to refer about the equestrian heritage of Europe and the role of the state studs today and in future. Among them are Prof. Dr. Peter Burman, former conservation director of the National Trust for Scotland and head of the conservation study programme at the University of York, Dr. Pascal Lievaux, Head of the Research and Scientific Policy Pilot department at the General Direction for Heritage, French Ministry of Culture, Dr. Stefan Rieder, head of research division, Agroscope – Swiss National Stud, SNG, Avenches, as well as Martin Haller expert for Old‐Austrian Horse Breeds and author of the book “Pferde unter dem Doppeladler”.
More information and registration opportunities are provided on www.europeanstatestuds.org. The symposium moderation lies in the proven hands of St. Georg chief editor Jan Tönjes, who will also accompany the „Marbach Classics Open Air“ evening shows.
The “Marbach Classics” promise to become a highlight in the celebration year of Marbach. Around 50 horses and employees from the ESSA partner studs will populate the Marbach stud premises during the first week of July and train together with the Marbach protagonists for a very special show programme that will be performed on July 4th and 5th at 20.30 in the large stud arena to the live music of the Württemberg Philharmonic Orchestra. For the first time, horses, riders and drivers from the most renowned horse breeding institutions of Europe and from the Vienna Spanish Riding School will gather in one gala‐show. Baroque Lipizzaners, precious Oldkladrubers, spirited Pure Bred Arabians, mighty coldbloods and noble sport horses will take the audience on a journey through 500 years of history and through the European horse world.
Besides the classical riding and driving performances the organisers announce some surprises, which will turn this huge horse celebration into an extraordinary experience. Come and celebrate with us 500 years of Marbach in a Europe where neighbours become friends!
Further information about the Festival of European Stud Culture: www.europeanstatestuds.org
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