The FEI Dressage Committee held its seventh DC meeting of 2015 via conference call on 31 August 2015 with all committee members attending (Kemperman, Baur, Matthiesen, Campanella, Mayer), except for Maribel Alonso.
Carina Mayer (DD) already acted as replacing FEI Dressage Director for Trond Asmyr who is on indefinite sick leave. Mayer had been appointed Senior Manager and interim head of department from 1st September 2015.
The Minutes included the following important decisions:
The DD had sent an email on the 27th August with updates following the previous meeting:
- The EU-CH-U25 had been opened for bids
- Future of Dressage – the report was being finalised.
- The draw for the Ground Juries for the Olympic Games and World Cup Final 2016 had been done at the EU-CH in Aachen.
- Freestyle degree of difficulty – on the agenda, pt. 4.
- The events proposed by the DC for the Worldcup WEL have to be approved by the Bureau
- Extreme weather conditions – the document made for OG Atlanta was being updated by the FEI Veterinary and Medical committees.
Application for Exception regarding Judging
Bo Jena (SWE) was granted exception to fulfilling the judging maintenance criteria during the years 2016-2018 as long as he held his current position
Freestyle Directives for Judges and Degree of Difficulty
The document on Freestyle Directives was approved for distribution and publication on the FEI website.
The Degree of Difficulty system testing phase was to begin 1st April 2016 (CDIs 4* and 5* on application) to be introduced on 1st October 2016. Carina Mayer was to coordinate with the FEI IT department and all involved.
Evaluation European Championships
Two main issues requiring follow-up stood out, the negative media reaction to judging and to stewarding. The large number of participants made it difficult from an organisers’ point of view, but that this would be less of an issue in the future with reduced numbers. The time schedule was hard to make especially for the GP due to late deadlines for entries.
A Stakeholder meeting was set for 5th October 2015 at 11-16h at the FEI HQ in Lausanne. On the agenda would be stewarding issues, judging issues and competition formats. Two representatives from each IDRC, IDTC, IDOC and AIDEO would be invited to attend, as well as the Judge General and Steward General, along with the DC and the FEI President.
The Chief Steward report from CDI Falsterbo did not mention any violation of the rules.
Carina Mayer would give Maribel Alonso an update as she had not been able to call in for technical reasons.
The next meeting would be the in-person meeting in Lausanne on 6-7 October, with the stakeholder meeting also in Lausanne on the 5 October.
Photo © Barbara Schnell
Related Links
FEI Dressage Committee Minutes of 29 June 2015
FEI Dressage Committee Minutes of 28 - 29 April 2015