Italian Grand Prix rider Anna Paprocka-Campanella, who is the acting riders representative on the FEI Dressage Committee, has sent an open letter to Eurodressage in response to the letter of the Omaha riders, who request better rider representation.
Open Letter from Anna Paprocka-Campanella
I am very happy that riders finally took a step and realized that there is a strong and urgent need of having influence on decisions that will have a big impact on the future of dressage. When I was elected, as riders representative on the FEI Dressage Committee, I was even not a member of IDRC, I joined the club later, but I am very aware of the fact that I represent all the riders and their interests, from all age categories and at all levels.
Riders are the most numerous group within the FEI and together with the horses are the core of the sport. There is a need of communication and there is a need that our opinions would have a bigger impact on decision process and active riders should be involved in this more. Till not a long time ago, in the DC there were 3 judges out of 5 members, now the composition is more balanced and it is actually a very good team of professionals led by Bettina De Rahm. However I would wish the FEI could be more dynamic and active in reaction to the needs of the riders.
I am very open to the common meeting, actually I am present at a lot of shows, last 3 shows were: Roosendaal, Nice and 's Hertogenbosch, next will be Mariakalnok. We also organize every year a meeting with chefs d'equipe at the Youth Championships.
I am contacted often by riders and always address all issues to the FEI (like recently the issue of judging in youth classes in St.Joosland).
Riders are always submitted to opinions of other components of the FEI: if the riding is good, if the warm up is good, if the tacking is good etc, that is why we need to participate in an active way in all processes that define these contests and FEI for sure will be open for such communication.
Everybody is welcome to contact me, can do it by email or Facebook. Email is available at the FEI headquarters.
Photo © Astrid Appels
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