Hippo Safety Fence ® is probably the most horse friendly fencing system that exists. The soft and flexible tape, available in brown or grey, can not cause injuries to your valuable horses. No injuries such as cuts, splinters nor heavy bruising.
Should a horse by any reason (rolling, kicking, rearing..) get in to the fence , even then you have almost no chance that something terrible happens: the tape breaks before an injury can occur (breaking point +- 285kg). This fence is repaired with 2 € and 2 minutes of your time. An injured horse sometimes never is repaired again…
The idea behind this fencing system is very simple but very functional. The fence has a good visibility and should keep the horse where you want it to be. But when there is contact between horse and fence there is very little chance on an injury.
This fencing is already used by numerous international riders such as Olympic rider Karin Donckers, international Grand Prix dressage rider Kenneth Dyrby, European Champion Rolf-Goran Bengtsson, International eventer Sarah Vanhasselt, former Belgian Champion Jan Vinckier...
Installation goes very quick. The tape is easy to tension with a ratchet.
Hippo Safety Fence ® can be used without electricity for the dressage or jumping arena , horsewalkers,… any place where the horse is under human control or has no time to escape.
For pastures you have to put electricity – The heavy holder has double function: it holds the tape and it has little holes to put a thin electric cord (with low breaking point). This is recommended as electric wire, this breaks easily too.
Hippo Safety Fence ® is more cost effective not only because of its low price but because less materials are needed in comparison with a traditional wooden fence. Hippo Safety Fence can be supported at 3 meter length between posts.
Permanent and temporary - The strapping is strong and flexible, strong enough to give you all the benefits expected of a traditional wooden fence but flexible enough to be used time and time again for different sized fenced areas.
Low maintenance – Because Hippo Safety Fence ® is made of durable plastic it does not require regular maintenance. This fence is able to survive in all weather conditions and unlike wooden fencing does not require maintenance due to heat or water damage.
Very attractive - The wooden structure makes it look like a wooden fence.
Snow resistant – Snow just falls off, does not bend the tape.
Visit www.hipposafetyfence.com and find out who are the dealers in Belgium, France, The Netherlands, Italy, Sweden, Ireland, United Kingdom, Germany, Lituania, Ireland, Poland, Switzerland...
Professionals in horse business and dealers can contact us directly.
- Hippo Safety Fence
Belgium - Tel: +32 477 214197
- Email: info@hipposafetyfence.com