On 29 July 2017 Münster-Handorf is once again the place to be for all potential foal buyers. Our foal auction has been a well-established auction for many years with a lot of future stars and potentials. Embedded in the westphalian week, 143 foals will go in the auction ring on Saturday. A well selected lot with highly interesting pedigrees.
All information of the foals can be found on our website www.westfalenpferde.de/en
We welcome you to join us at our Equestrian Complex for the Presentation of the Auction Candidates, which will be held on Saturday at 10.00 am for the show jumping foals. The auction for the show jumping foals will commence at 11.30 am. The dressage and riding pony foals will be presented at 1.30 pm followed by the auction at 4.00 pm. It will also be broadcasted live on www.clipmyhorse.tv.
If you want to bid over the phone please register via our email address auktionsbuero@westfalenpferde.de , our sales team will than contact you. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for further information.
- Bernd Richter – Auctioneer
Tel.: 0049(0)172-2413280
Fax 0049(0)251-3280993
richter@westfalenpferde.de Carsten Lenz – Sales Manager Show Jumping
Tel.: 0049(0)173- 5367568
Fax 0049(0)251-3280993
lenz@westfalenpferde.de- Friederike Hess – Sales
Handy: 0049(0)173-2515260
Fax 0049(0)251-3280993
hess@westfalenpferde.de - Leonie v. Mohl – International Sales
Tel.: 0049(0)176-70513203
Fax 0049(0)251-3280993
Location - Information
Westfälisches Pferdestammbuch e.V.
Sudmühlenstr. 33
48157 Münster
Tel.: + 49 251 32809 0
Fax: + 49 251 32809 94
E-Mail: info@westfalenpferde.de