Children rider Matylda Cybula, junior rider Malgorzata Kowalska, young rider Zuzanna Haber and Grand Prix rider Katarzyna Mikczarek became the winners of the 2017 Polish Dressage Championships held in Janow Podlaski, Poland, on 29 September - 1 October 2017.
The competition in Janow Podlaski had the national championship classes coincide with CDI classes. As the complete field participated in their respective tests, not all rides counted as CDI results. Only three international dressage riders were competing at this show.
Matylda Cybula bested the field in the children's division, winning all three rounds to total 203.230 points for the national title in her age division and the gold medal. Aboard the 6-year old Polish bred Bessie (by Cancoon x Dzamir) she scored 68,556% in the preliminary test, 68,111% in the team test and 66,563% in the individua test. The silver medal went to Liliane van Luijken on Pocorella, a 20-year old Dutch warmblood by Poco, with a total of 192,164 points. She scored 66,445%, 64,000% and 61,719%. Natalia Głębowska and the 11-year old Polish bred Korida-P (by Corleone Z) landed bronze with 186,211 points. The pair posted marks of 65,222%, 63,833% and 57,156%.
In the junior division, the 2017 European Junior Riders Championship participant Malgorzata Kowalska topped the board and earned gold with 211.239 points. Aboard the 12-year old Rhinelander bred Raikano's Son (by Raikano) she was the high scorer in the team test with 68.405%, placed second in the individual with 69.684% and won the Kur with 73.150%. Anna Maria Wojtkowska and the 13-year old Polish bred Pascal (by Woland) got silver with 208,072 points. She scored 66,946%, 70,026% and 71,100%. Alicja Trawinska and the 9-year old Hanoverian Diego Ramirez (by Don Frederico) scored bronze with 205.998 points. They posted 67,405%, 67,368% and 71,225% on the board.
Seasoned competitor Zuzanna Haber, who came all the way from ponies to young riders through the years, grabbed the national title in her division with 202.195 points. Aboard the 8-year old Hanoverian Don Crusoe (by Don Crusador) she won the team test with 67,263%, but dropped on the board to sixth place in the individual with 64,132%, but then ruled again in the freestyle with 70,800%. Klaudia Parys and the 17-year old Belgian warmblood mare Afrodite van de Worfthoeve (by Saros van het Gestelhof) finished with the silver right behind Haber on 201.921 points. She was only 0.275 points short of the gold. The pair received 65,526% in the team test, 67,395% in the individual test and 69,000%in the kur. Jagoda Dąbrowska and the 14-year old Hanoverin Attack with Me (by Weltregent H) slotted in third place overall with 200.023 points. The combination rode three consistent test that earned her 65,974%, 66,474% and 67,575%.
Eight combinations competed in the Polish Grand Prix Championship but the country's most seasoned rider Katarzyna Milczarek finished on the highest step of the podium. Aboard the 11-year old Oldenburg gelding Dzeko (by Dimaggio) she won the Grand Prix with 69.620%, was second in the GP Special with 69.666% and won the Kur with 74.625%. She totalled 213.911 points for gold, but had Przemyslaw Kozanowski with the 10-year old Hanoverian Belcanto (by Breitling) right on her heels (212.666 points). Trained by Jonny Hilberath, Przemyslaw was second in the Grand Prix (69.160%), won the Special (69.706%) and was second in the Kur (73.800%). Gabriela Jaworska-Mazurek and the 13-year old Dutch warmblood Zimba (by Sheraton) made their return to the show ring after a break of almost one year. They did just one show to qualify for the Nationals and in Janow Podlaski they got bronze with 210,273 points. She scored 68,760%, 69,588% and 71,925%. While Milczarek and Kozanowski both represented Poland on the team at the 2017 European Championships, Jaworska surprisingly did not compete in Gothenburg. She had to put an international competition career on the back burner after giving birth to two children and not able to meet the major financial costs of competing abroad.
Results - 2017 Polish Dressage Championships - Janow Podlaski
- 1. Cybula Matylda - Bessie - 68,556 - 68,111 - 66,563 --- 203,230
- 2 Van Luijken Liliane - Pocorella - 66,445 - 64,000 - 61,719 --- 192,164
- 3 Głębowska Natalia - Korida P - 65,222 - 63,833 - 57,156 --- v 186,211
- 4 Gogolińska Oliwia - Sheridan (56) 63,722 - 61,278 - 58,959 --- 183,959
- 5 Wiórek Maciej H- Heliopolis - 62,055 - 63,944 - 56,875 --- 182,874
- 6 Głębowska Natalia - Corleo - 60,222 - 63,667 --- 123,889
- 7 Plata Natalia - Gladstone Musterd - 53,278 - RET/ELI --- 53,278
Junior Riders
- 1. Kowalska Małgorzata - Raikano's Son - 68,405 - 69,684 - 73,150 --- 211,239
- 2. Wojtkowska Anna-Maria - Pascal - 66,946 - 70,026 - 71,100 --- 208,072
- 3. Trawińska Alicja - Diego Ramirez - 67,405 - 67,368 - 71,225 --- 205,998
- 4. Hanczewska Wiktoria - Da Capo - 68,297 - 67,7116 - 9,275 --- 205,283
- 5. Sznigier Natalia - Discovery - 64,757 - 64,737 - 69,200 --- 198,694
- 6. Szymańska Julia - Winterkoning - 67,054 - 64,921 - 65,125 --- 197,100
- 7. Ribol Olivia - Drakar - 63,784 - 61,816 - 67,400 --- 193,000
- 8. Sawicka Katarzyna - First Class - 64,649 - 64,579 - 61,900 --- 191,128
- 9. Pachulska Alicja - Bentamo - 60,324 - 65,132 -65,650 --- 191,106
- 10. Kuriata Katarzyna - Dominguez - 60,514 - 62,079 - 65,625 --- 188,218
- 11. Koprowska Zuzanna - Salvatore - 62,243 - 62,895 - 62,450 --- 187,588
- 12. Frąckowiak Weronika - Nobius - 62,406 - 63,000 - 60,350 --- 185,756
- 13. Jankowska Maja - Candy Boy - 59,946- 59,421 --- 119,367
- 14. Konera Aleksandra - Prisco - 61,568 - 57,579 --- 119,147
Young Riders
- 1. Haber Zuzanna - Don Crusoe- 67,263 -64,1327 - 0,800 --- 202,195
- 2. Parys Klaudia - Afrodite van de Worfthoeve - 65,526 - 67,395 - 69,000 --- 201,921
- 3. Dąbrowska Jagoda - Attack with Me - 65,9746 - 6,474 - 67,575 --- 200,023
- 4. Lesner Aleksandra - Wohlklang U - 64,395 - 64,842 - 69,150 --- 198,387
- 5. Kowaluk Magda - All You Need - 64,579 - 65,079 - 67,175 --- 196,833
- 6. Wojtaszek Natalia - Dagon - 66,553 - 63,711 - 65,575 --- 195,839
- 7. Andrzejewski Wojciech - Falsterbeau - 63,947 - 64,789 - 66,225 --- 194,961
- 8. Kowalski Filip - Royal Diamond - 61,289 - 60,184 - 66,000 --- 187,473
- 9. Sztokinier Anna - Abelard - 55,026- 61,448 - 61,325 --- 177,799
- 10. Brodziak Julia - Floiyd - 60,579 - 58,737 --- 119,316
- 11. Dobrowolska Anna - Camaro - 59,368 - 58,447 --- 117,815
- 12. Krzewicka Urszula - Cherry Cola - 54,158 - 59,158 --- 113,316
- 13. Ordon Aleksandra - Don Glory - 59,289 - 51,816 --- 111,105
Grand Prix
- 1. Milczarek Katarzyna - Dzeko - 69,620 - 69,666- 74,625 --- 213,911
- 2. Kozanowski Przemysław - Belcanto - 69,160- 69,706- 73,800 --- 212,666
- 3. Jaworska Gabriela - Zimba - 68,760- 69,588- 71,9252 --- 10,273
- 4. Popiołek Katarzyna - Adrenalin - 63,460- 63,921- 66,175 --- 193,556
- 5. Mańczak Paula - Williams Junior - 60,760- 60,039- 63,025 --- 183,824
- 6. Woldański Marcin - Ajanos Star - 61,220- 58,412 --- 119,632
- 7. Domagała Agnieszka- Don Kennedy - 58,460- 59,608 --- 118,068
- 8. Kowalski Tomasz - Iglesias van het Bevrijdthof - 62,180 - RET/ELI --- 62,180
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