The 6-year old showjumper Landlord (by Levisonn x Quintender x Furst Heinrich) became the price highlight of the 2017 Oldenburg Winter Mixed Sales in Vechta, Germany, on 9 December 2017.
A young jumper rider from the U.K. paid 130,000 euro for Landlord, who is bred by Friedbert Ohsmer, Ganderkesee. This 6-year old high flyer was a finalist of this year’s Bundeschampionate.
The second most expensive horse was the dressage stallion Fashion in Black (by Fürstenball OLD - Swarovski - Manstein), bred by Willi Müller from Essen. He sold for 95,000 euro to Argentina.
The third most expensive horse was the beautiful Skyline (by San Amour I - Rohdiamant - Donnerhall), bred by Elisabeth Münstermann, Werl-Holtum. The magnificent mare moved to a prestigious dressage stable in Switzerland for 50,000 euro.
Spanish customers paid 47,000 euro for Speranza (by Stafford x Landgraf), while Swiss customers purchased Arya Stark (by Antango x Stedinger) for 40,000 euro.
Americans bought Beautiful (by Best of Gold x Canaster) for 32,000 euro. The grey Ballantines (by Belissario x Donnerhall) moves to Sweden for 25,000 euro.
Oldenburg fans from abroad purchased 20 of the 35 horses. The Oldenburg horses will bring joy to their new owners in Spain (7), Switzerland (3), Argentina (2), Belgium (2), Italy (2), USA (2), Great Britain (1) and Sweden (1). "Overall, the 63rd Winter Mixed Sales is a wonderful end of our auction year with the best result of an intermediate auction", summarizes Thomas Rhinow, Sales Manager of the dressage horses.
The average price for a horse at this auction was 28,343 euro.
Photo © Tammo Ernst