Following the recent Equestrian Australian Dressage Judges Committee (EADJC) call for EOI's, Jane Ventura has been re-appointed, whilst Kim Thomas and Kerrie Swan-Bates have both been accepted to the Committee.
Each new member has been endorsed by the Australian Dressage Committee (EADC) for a three-year term commencing 1/1/18 and ending on 31/12/20.
The Australian Dressage Judges Commitee is a sub-committee of the EADC and is charged with contributing and aiding in the development, assessment, accreditation and education of Dressage judges in Australia.
The EADJC consists of five members selected for their experience and skills relevant to the work of the Committee. All Committee members are required to be A level Judges and active Judge Educators.
The three vacancies were open as the current terms for Lesley Sullivan, Sue Bright and Jane Venture expire 31/12/17.
The Australian equestrian federation would like to acknowledge and thank Sue Bright for her time and contribution to the EADJC over the past six years (two terms of three years). During this time Sue has contributed greatly to the productivity of the committee due to her wealth of knowledge in Dressage, including Para-Dressage.
Lesley Sullivan has been co-opted to the EADJC for a further 12 months in the role as Secretary.
Photo © Astrid Appels
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