German dressage sponsor Madeleine Winter-Schulze fractured her femur in an accident at the 2018 World Equestrian Games in Tryon, U.S.A. on Thursday 13 September 2018.
The 77-year old Winter-Schulze, who is Isabell Werth's long-time sponsor, stumbled over the rubber matting near the stalls after returning back to the stable area from the Grand Prix team competition prize giving ceremony. Her protégé Isabell Werth had just won team gold and placed first in the Grand Prix.
Winter-Schulze was transported to the hospital where she was diagnosed with a broken femur. She was successfully operated on on Friday morning 14 September and will remain hospitalized for another week before being discharged.
"She now has a new leg and will get a little beep at the airport," Isabell Werth joked at the press conference after winning another gold medal in the Grand Prix Special. The rider added that she was eager to leave the press conference to show her gold medal to her maecenas Madeleine and to "have a glass of champagne" with her.
Photo © Astrid Appels
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