Scores: 2021 CDI Katy

Sun, 05/02/2021 - 12:09
2021 CDI Katy - 30 April - 2 May 2021

Pony Riders - Team Championship Test
Judges: Majewska, Torrente, McClain

  • 1. Fierro L'oasis - Santina Hackett -  59.190

Pony Riders - Individual Test
Judges: Torrente, Berry, Makjewska

  • 1. Fierro L'Oasis - Santina Hackett - 59.820

Pony Riders - Kur to Music 

  • 1. 

Children - Preliminary Test
Judges: Majewska, Torrente, McClain

  • 1. Catherine Schmidt - Peregrino Mr - 63.875 (USA)

Children - Team Championship Test
Judges: Torrente, Berry, Makjewska

  • 1. Peregrino Mr - Catherine Schmidt - 65.526

Children - Individual Test
Judges: McClain, Majewska, Torrente

  • 1. Peregrino Mr - Catherine Schmidt - 62.509

Junior Riders - Team Championship Test
Judges: Majewska, Torrente, McClain

  • 1. Aire Cavaleiros-  Alicia Berger - 63.333
  • 2. Mejicano Cxv-  Allison Berger - 62.929
  • 3. Wvodka - Rylee Pumphrey - 0.606

Junior Riders - Individual Test
Judges: Torrente, Berry, Makjewska

  • 1. Mejicano CXV - Allison Berger - 63.676
  • 2. Wvodka - Rylee Pumphrey - 62.647
  • Aire Cavaleiros - Alicia Berger - ELI

Junior Riders - Kur to Music 
Judges: McClain, Majewska, Torrente

  • 1. Mejicano CXV - Allison Berger - 64.800
  • Aire Cavaleiros - Alicia Berger - ELI

Young Riders - Team Championship Test
Judges: Majewska, Torrente, McClain

  • 1. Dazzle - Skye Simpson -  66.324
  • 2. Lorino - Olivia Patton - 65.147
  • 3. Herzkonig Sydney Lipar -  63.725

Young Riders - Individual Test
Judges: Torrente, Berry, Makjewska

  • 1. Lorino - Olivia Patton - 65.294
  • 2. Dazzle - Skye Simpson - 64.559
  • 3. Herzkonig - Sydney Lipar - 64.510

Young Riders - Kur to Music 
Judges: McClain, Majewska, Torrente

  • 1. Dazzle - Skye Simpson - 67.817
  • 2. Herkonig - Sydney Lipar - 62.892 

Amateurs - Prix St Georges
Judges: Majeswska, Torrente, McClain

  • 1. Furst Klasse Ref - Amatey Wensel - 62.745 
  • 2 . San Angelo - Tricia Earley  - 60.098

Amateurs - Intermediaire I
Judges: Torrente, Berry, Makjewska

  • 1. Furst Klasse REF - Amatey Wensel - 64.167
  • 2. San Angelo - Tricia Earley - 62.843

Amateurs - Intermediaire I Kur to Music
Judges: McClain, Majewska, Torrente

  • 1. San Angelo - Tricia Earley - 66.125 
  • 2. Furst Klasse REF - Amatey Wensel - 64.367 

Prix St Georges
Judges: Torrente, Berry, Makjewska

  • 1. Wec´s Senor - Rubinstein Marta Renilla - 67.451 
  • 2. Middleton - Marta Renilla - 65.882 
  • 3. Dean Martin Cr - Christine Calao - 65.882
  • 4. Sandroletto - Benjamin Winger -  65.147 
  • 5. Mckensey - John Mason -  64.314 
  • 6. Brooklyn Gcf  - Barrett Barksdale - 63.971
  • 7. Gringo - Jorge Arauz - 63.627
  • 8. Diego - Cassie Schmidt - 61.225 
  • Falstaff - Benjamin Albright  - ELI

Intermediaire I
Judges:  Torrente, Berry, Makjewska

  • 1. Middleton - Marta Renilla - 68.480
  • 2. Wec´s Senor Rubinstein- Marta Renilla - 66.029
  • 3. Falstaff - Benjamin Albright - 64.216
  • 4. Gringo - Jorge Arauz - 63.725
  • 5. Dean Martin Cr - Christine Calao - 63.431
  • 6. Mckensey - John Mason - 62.696
  • 6. Sandroletto - Benjamin Winger - 62.696
  • 8. Brooklyn Gcf - Barrett Barksdale - 62.598
  • 9. Diego - Cassie Schmidt - 61.912

Intermediaire I Kur to Music 
Judges: McClain, Majewska, Torrente

  • 1. Wec´s Senor Rubinstein - Marta Renilla  -  69.700
  • 2. Sandroletto - Benjamin Winger  - 68.908
  • 3. Mckensey - John Mason  - 64.908
  • 4. Brooklyn Gcf - Barrett Barksdale  - 64.758
  • 5. Falstaff - Benjamin Albright  - 64.742
  • Diego - Cassie Schmidt  - DNS

Medium Tour - Intermediaire A
Judges: Majewska, Torrente, McClain

  • 1. Noerregaards Shiva - Yvonne Kusserow -  63.775
  • 2. Udeck - Andrea Adkins - 60.980

Medium Tour - Intermediaire B
Judges: Torrente, Berry, Makjewska

  • 1. Udeck - Andrea Adkins - 59.865
  • Norregaards Shiva - Yvonne Kusserox - ELI

Intermediaire II
Judges: Majewska, Torrente, McClain

  • 1. Superman Anartz Chanca - 64.657 
  • 2. Zoe - Erika-West Danque - 63.725 
  • 3. Donatello Dc Tiago Ernesto - 63.578 
  • 4. Wynston Eva Oldenbroek-Tabor - 62.353
  • Conan Star - Mystere A Moyes  - DNS

Grand Prix
Judges: Torrente, Berry, Makjewska

  • 1. Donatello DC - Tiago Ernesto - 66.014
  • 2. Superman - Anartz  Chanca - 63.514
  • 3. Zoe - Erika West Danque - 61.087 
  • 4. Wynston - Eva Oldenbroek Tabor - 58.514
  • Conan Star - Mystere a Moyes - DNS