Equilibrium designs and develops innovative, researched and quality products with the wellbeing of the horse at the centre of their business. The clinically proven* Equilibrium Massage Pad has been improving the lives of horses for 15 years, and the NEW Massage Pad Heatsense has been developed off the back of this to provide soothing heat and relaxing massage for performance and leisure horses alike.
With massage proven to increase back flexibility and relaxation*, this new Massage Pad now has the added benefit of reliable, tested therapeutic heat output with sensors to turn the heat off/on depending on your horse’s temperature. The heat targets the most common areas of weakness and the treatment fits into your daily routine with a 30-minute programme. Portable and battery-operated, so you can take it wherever you go (*Myerscough UK, 2007).
How can Massage and Heat benefit horses?
Benefits of Massage include:
- Helps maintain healthy blood and oxygen supply, and lymph circulation.
- Preparing muscles for work/exercise
- Soothes tired muscles and encourages muscle relaxation.
- Increasing flexibility and elasticity of tissue.
Using heat is a great way to help sensitive horses. Research suggests that tissue temperature needs to increase by at least 3 to 5°C from the resting temperature (Bockstahler et al, 2004). Evidence (Mallicote, 2022) suggests - ‘Applying heat at temperatures of 40-45°C for 15-30 minutes results in vasodilation, increasing blood flow.’ The Heatsense delivers the heat therapy at the required temperatures.
Discover Massage Pad Heatsense
uses the massage pad on his horses
Find out more - https://www.equilibriumproducts.com/product/equilibrium-massage-pad-heatsense/
“Essential Facts Physiotherapy Dogs” by Barbara Bockstahler, Barbara Bockstahler; David Levine; Darryl Millis Published by BE Vet Verlag, 2004
AAEVT's Equine Manual for Veterinary Technicians Paperback – 17 Oct. 2022 by Sally DeNotta (Editor), Martha Mallicote (Editor), Sheri Miller (Editor)