Only two weeks after the international youth riders competition in Weert, The Netherlands, Europe's best and most promising FEI pony, junior and young riders gathered again for a competition at the Zilveren Spoor equestrian centre in Moorsele, Belgium. For a moment, it was uncertain that the show would go on because the owner of Zilveren Spoor, internationally acclaimed show jumping rider Jean Claude van Geenberghe, had died unexpectedly at a jumping show in Ukraine. The Belgian born Jean Claude (who rides for Ukraine) managed Zilveren Spoor together with his sister Veronique and she will carry on the tradition. The CDI-PJYR Moorsele would take place, as well as the 2009 European Pony Championships the last week of July 2009.
On Saturday morning 6 AM, I jumped in my car for a two-hour drive to Moorsele, Belgium. I photographed the entire Young Riders class and the second part of the Pony Riders individual test. I also got the chance to snap some of the junior riders. Here is a selection of photos I took and love and those photos are not always of the top placed horses and riders!!
Show Photography
- Eurodressage photographer Astrid Appels was on the scene taking pictures of all young riders, all pony riders riding on Saturday and some juniors.
- We shot the following riders: Barbancon, Bausch, Beekink, Beer, Bemelmans, Bos, Brown, Cassis, Chapron, Claeys, Dhoore, Ebbenaes, Edsmar, Gallimore, Geerts, Gill, Goris, Guillem, Harris, Hennink, Henschen, Higgins, Hoet, Hougaard, Jedrzecjzyk, Larsson, Leak, Lemmers, Linthorst, Loos, Mason, Mattsson, Michaux, Mommen, Mudde, Muller, Oppenheimer, Peper, Prijs, Rikheim Westberg, Saint Cast, Sleigh, Subileau, Thill, Tiozzo, Tychon, Vandenberghe, Van den Hoek, Van Lanen, Van Mierlo, Van Silfhout, Vos, Weise, Wettstein, Weychert, Willems.
- If you are interested in seeing your photos and ordering prints, send us an email mentioning the rider's or horse's name.