Furst von Jever Price Highlight 2009 Oldenburg Elite Foal Auction

Mon, 08/31/2009 - 00:00
Vechta Auction News
Furst von Jever :: Photo © Kiki Beelitz

Danish Lone Boegh Henriksen has done it again. Once more she acquired the price highlight of the Oldenburg Elite Foal Auction in Vechta, Germany. Furst von Jever, by Furst Romancier x De Niro x Rubinstein, sold for 45,000 euro

to the Danish Henriksen who will rear tha young colt as a stallion prospect.

Furst von Jever is bred by Heinrich Gerriets. The sale of this colt pushed the average selling price up to 8,883 euro for a dressage foal. Three years ago, she purchased the price highlight Furstenball (by Furst Heinrich) which became the Oldenburg Stallion Licensing Champion in 2008.

The second highest priced foal was Quadrivio (by Quaterback x Stedinger). This colt sold over the phone for 31,000 euro to Sissy Max-Theurer from Austria. Most of the top dressage riders were at the European Dressage Championships in Windsor and, therefore, made their bids over the phone. Ann Kathrin Linsenhoff bought Sonnenschein (by Sion x Dormello)

Top selling show jumping colt was Journale (by Stalypso x Couleur Rubin x Zeus). Bred by Paul Wendeln, this young mare sold for 15,000 euro to Canada. The 39 sold jumper colts sold for an average price of 5,592 euro.

In total 111 foals sold at the 2009 Oldenburg Elite Foal auction and they achieved an average price of 7,727 euro.

Photo © Kiki Beelitz