The most successful riding horse auction in the world, the 31st Performance Sales International (P.S.I.), will be taking place in just a few days time. On 11 and 12 December 2010 a 52 horse-powered collection of P.S.I. horses will be sent out to find new owners and to find their way in the sport.
P.S.I. horses have always managed to conquer the sporting world; if it was Monica Theodorescu’s former World Champion and Olympic mount Ganimedes or L’Espoir, Ludger Beerbaum's World Championship mount and then that of Norwegian rider Geir Gulliksen. They are examples of the first class quality of the P.S.I. horses. Equally so the Hanoverian gelding Lantinus – in the meantime competed by Denis Lynch (IRL) and considered as one of the best show jumpers the world has seen for many years.
Matthias Alexander Rath is thrilled with his now 10-year old Olivi son Triviant, which was purchased at the 2005 P..S.I. Auction. Triviant has completed his first World Cup season and is a four-legged UNICEF ambassador: “There were many things that impressed me about Triviant from the very beginning: his unbelievable talent for piaffe and passage and as a 5-year old he was already doing two-tempi flying changes with ease. He never had, and still doesn’t have any problems with the movements and listens to his rider very well!"
Debonnet, the Oldenburg son of Don Schufro, is three years younger and was purchased at the P.S.I. 2007 in Ankum. The Swedish rider Patrick Kittel won the Youngster Tour competition with the picture-perfect black gelding at the CDIO Falsterbo 2010 receiving a score over 70%. Patrick Kittel treasures the attitude of his young diamond: “Debonnet is not only pretty and black; he also has everything that a rider wishes for: a super character, good temperament and the ambition to perform difficult movements. In Cappeln, for example, I had to say to him “everything is fine, you don’t need to do even more piaffe!” Of course it is fun for me when a horse is this motivated and has this much ambition.”
Super pedigrees, healthy and fitting upbringing and careful training – these are the characteristics of the P.S.I. collection and it all comes from one place. This is an invaluable advantage for the clients while the employees and trainers in the Schockemoehle and Kasselmann stables know the horses practically inside out, which make them the best advisors.
A truly unique service which has priorities: P.S.I. – that means a “complete stress free package” for customers, also following the auction: The horses are insured for their full purchase value for a period of two weeks following the Performance Sales International and further benefits of the after sales service include transport organization, a full veterinary report, the ability to extend the insurance without a new examination and a seamless purchase procedure.
Looking, watching, testing and enjoying – it all plays a big role leading up to the 31st P.S.I. Auction and that’s why the four-legged candidates are already online at www.psi-auktion.de. The dressage horse collection will be presented live in Ankum on December 4th. Interested parties are invited to the auction centre in Ankum to create their own impression. And for those who are far away in countries all over the world, the presentation can be watched per live stream starting at 6 p.m.
Everything that needs to be known over the collection, the auction, the contacts and the service can be found online at www.psi-auktion.de