On behalf of all the members of Dressage Ireland, we would like to thank you for your commitment to judging at shows all through the year. Judges give up their time on weekends and this helps make it possible for shows to run.
We once again have a busy year behind us with 3 training days with Linda Whetstone, one held during the Summer and 2 further days more recently in November. These days were well attended and judges expressed their appreciation towards Linda's teaching, and the horses and riders volunteering to come and work so judges could further their education. The seminar held in September was a real highlight in the judges calendar, and Stephen Clarke proved to be a real hit! We are hopeful to repeat this training for 2011 and we advise all our judges to keep themselves up to date via our website.
Four judges prepared themselves for upgrading to the higher lists and travelled to UK for training, mock exams and exams proper. Our higher lists have once again been extended and we hope that this trend will continue in years to come. 2010 did not see so much interest in the lower listed judges to upgrade, but this was mainly because a lot of upgrades were achieved in 2008 and 2009. We hope that 2011 will bring a renewed interest. We would urge all judges interested in upgrading to contact the office.
Furthermore, we also call upon new people who think they would like to become a judge, and ask these to register with us as candidate judges.
The judges! committee and the Board of Dressage Ireland are also pleased to announce that membership fees will be forfeited for 2011 for all judges whose names are on the training attendance list of 2010. These judges will receive their membership cards in the post before the end of the year.
Can we stress again that it is vital to attend training sessions and/or seminar, to keep up the judging standard and to stay on the judges list. We also advise judges to take initiative and contact show organizers with regard to sitting in and scribing. This is a great way to learn and get experience.
During both Winter and Summer National Championships we will require scribes. Judges who are interested to gain some valuable experience please contact the office. Some limited sitting in during the championships will be organized for judges willing to scribe during the championships.
New BD tests for 2011
Upgrade and candidate judges wishing to become a qualified judge, are requested to send in the necessary forms (see page bottom) to the judge's committee through the D.I. office. This will give us an idea of how many mock exams we have to organize during 2010. Applications for upgrading need to be in before Saturday 15 January 2011.
We wish you and your family a Healthy and Successful New Year.
Related Links
Sarah Mellor Wins 2010 Irish Grand Prix Championship
Stephen Clarke Receives the BHS Queen’s Award for Equestrianism