The New German Wave music (Neue Deutsche Welle) will celebrate its 30th birthday next year, but the celebrations have started early at Classical Sales Warendorf. After the ‘Classics’ of 2009 and the ‘Stars of Swing’ in 2010, this year it is the turn of Nena, Hubert Kah, Markus and Co. to lend their names to the horses in the auction collection.
Fabian Scholz and Susanne Miesner are giving their full backing to German horse breeding and riding, and, at the same time, they are promising an extremely entertaining auction on April 7 at 7pm in Warendorf. From top professionals who may be looking for their next star horse, to the ambitious amateur who has ‘only ever dreamt’ of having a top-quality mount up to now, not only will every dressage enthusiast be able to find their right partner here, but at the same time they will be able to pick up tips for that piece of freestyle music which truly sets them apart from the rest.
The first presentation of the collection of approximately twenty horses has been scheduled for Sunday 20th March 2011 at 11am at the Wietelshof.
“We are very excited about this year’s collection, which includes horses who are perfect for the ambitious local amateur as well as very talented horses for the highest echelons of the sport,” said co-creator Fabian Scholz, talking about the results of his search for the ideal candidates. “Once again, we have placed a lot of emphasis on our usual criteria,” added Susanne Miesner, who will be responsible for the further training of the horses up until the auction. “All of the horses have three above-average paces, excellent rideability and, of course, correct upbringing and basic training”.
The horses, who come from a variety of breeding regions, are receiving the final touches before the auction in the usual manner: trained, but not over-trained, with riding always interspersed with free-schooling sessions and regular, daily turnout on grass or in sand paddocks.
The catalogue is currently in press; photos and training videos of the horses will soon appear on the CSW website.
Both the catalogue and the entry tickets for the auction can now be ordered by telephone or by e-mail. Please get in touch with the CSW team. For more information, please visit
Related Links
2011 Classical Sales Warendorf, First Presentation on 20 March 2011
2011 Classical Sales Warendorf Auction Scheduled for 7 April 2011