Australian? based ?FEI ?horses ?started ?their? campaign ?for ?the ?London? Olympic? Games? at? Boneo? Park ?this ?past ?weekend.? The ?inaugural ?Boneo ?Park ?CDI ?3?Star ?competition ?in ?Mornington ?Peninsula, ?Victoria,? Australia, ?was ?the ?first ?of ?the ?qualifying ?competitions ?for ?Australian ?based? riders ?in? the ?lead? up ?to ?the ?London? Olympic? Games ?in ?approximately? 18 ?months.?
Chantal? Wigan? and? Ferrero? from? Queensland? took? out? the? Boneo? Park? Big? Tour? Championship,? winning ?the? Grand? Prix, ?Grand? Prix? Special? and? Grand ?Prix ?Freestyle.???
Chantal? and? Ferrero,? Mary? Hanna? and? Umbro,? Gitte? Donvig? and? Port? Said? 10? and? Fiona? McNaught? and? Ostra? all ?received ?their ?first ?Olympic ?Qualification. ?They ?scored? a? minimum? of? 64%? from? the? 5*? judge? and? an? average? of? more? than? 64%? from? all? judges ?in? the ?Grand ?Prix ?competiton.?
Victorian? rider? Maree? Tomkinson? won? the? Small? Tour? championship? on? her? mare? Diamantina ?after ?winning? the ?Prix? St? Georges, ?Intermediate? I ?and ?the ?Intermediate? I ?Freestyle.??
The? ground? Jury? consisted? of? Olympic? 5*? Judge? Minako? Furuoko? ? from? Japan,?? Annetta? Fransen?Iacobaeus? from? Sweden,? Alison? King? ? from? Hong? Kong? and? Susie? Hoevenaars ?and ?Ricky ?McMillan? from? Australia.??
The ?judges ?unanimousl ?agreed ?that? the? high ?standard? of? the ?facilities? and? footing? of? the ?competition ?and? warm?up? arenas? provided? the ?horses ?with ?a? perfect? opportunity? to? show ?their ?very? best.?
Young? Horse? Classes? and? a? Novice? Championship? complemented? the? program? of? events ?with ?NSW? rider ?Lesley Ann ?Taylor ?and ?Amicelli ?Gold? was ?presented ?the ?Novice? Trophy ?by? sponsors ?James ?and ?Sarah ?Brayshaw.??
Related Links
Scores 2011 CDI Boneo
Bechtolsheimer Amazes with Masterclass at Boneo Park in Australia