2013 CDI Rancho Murieta - 14 - 16 June 2013
Prix St Georges
- 1. Brian Hafner - California Chablis - 68.421%
- 2. Heather Oleson - Victor - 65.947%
- 3. Heather Oleson - Charismatique - 64.395%
- 4. Ryan Bell - D'Aristocrat - 60.105%
- 5. Christine Rivlin - Cooper - 59.763%
Intermediaire I
- 1. Brian Hafner - California Chablis - 67.342%
- 2. Heather Oleson - Victor - 67.079%
- 3. Heather Oleson - Charismatique - 62.026%
- 4. Christine Rivlin - Cooper - 61.789%
- 5. Ryan Bell - D'Aristocrat - 60.579%
Intermediaire I Kur to Music
- 1. Ryan Bell - D'Aristocrat - 60.825%
Intermediaire II
- 1. Genay Vaughn - Donarweiss GGF - 64.263%
- 2. Brianna Dutton - Tibet - 64.026%
- 3. Amelia Child - Rembrand - 57.000%
Grand Prix
- 1. Brian Hafner - Lombardo LHF - 65.766%
- 2. Tracey Lert - Udo - 61.894%
- 3. April Atwell - Pavarottie - 56.319%
Grand Prix Special
- 1. Tracey Lert - Udo -, 62.708%
Grand Prix Kur to Music
- 1. Brian Hafner - Lombardo LHF - 67.575%