German born American Grand Prix riders Jennifer and Jurgen Hoffmann are moving back to Germany. After only a short stint in Austria, the duo will be renting a stable at Gestut Wiesenhof as new base.
In December 2010 the Hoffmann duo relocated from California back to Germany to became head trainers at Gestut Letter Berg in Coesfeld, Germany. After a very successful period competing Florentinus, Ratzinger, Instertanz and Hofmarschall V for Letter Berg, Jennifer Hoffmann and her husband moved to Austria in August 2012. They worked briefly at Gestut Lindhof in Wallern, Austria.
Today, Jennifer Hoffmann announced her return to Germany. They will be based at the Hüttner family's Gestut Wiesenhof in Krefeld, where Killian Hüttner is head rider.
"After a wonderful and very successful International show season in Austria we have decided to move back to Nordrhein-Westfahlen. We have really missed Germany and are really happy to be back in Nordrhine Westfalen," Jennifer commented. "We will be working out of the beautiful Gestüt Wiesenhof. This beautiful facility offers everything the dressage riders heart desires!"
Photo © Astrid Appels
Related Links
Jennifer Hoffmann Relocates to Austria
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