The dressage colt pre-selection for the 2014 KWPN Stallion Licensing started on Wednesday 11 December 2013 and the Dutch warmblood licensing committee was generous on the first day, accepting no less than 25 colts ouf of a group of 57.
On the first dressage pre-selection day, mostly colts sired by foreign bred stallions appeared, but there was also again a large lot of Jazz offspring, which continued to impress the committee, even though Jazz blood has already flooded Dutch sport horse breeding.
The licensing committee was very pleased with the collection of the first day. "We were able to select a good group of colts which we like to see back in 's Hertogenbosch," said licensing committee member Wim Ernes, who is joined by Marian Dorresteijn and Reijer van Woudenbergh. "On the one hand we selected on conformation and correctness, on the other hand based on movement. We were very positive about the size of the stallions as well as the genetics amongst the 25 selected colts."
No less than 7 Jazz offspring made the cut. One of the most striking ones was Galaxie Terra (by Jazz x Future, breeder: P. Bregman), which moved with much power and technique. The rather small but strong moving Genesis (by Jazz x Silvano N) was one of the highlights of the day, as well as a nameless De Niro x Wolkentanz, owned by Dutch team vet Jan Greve.
Stand out horses were also Glamourdale (by Lord Leatherdale x Negro) and Galileo's Bria (by Fidertanz x Rohdiamant). Guess Who (by Johnson x Rohdiamant) excelled with his model and movement.
The 25 accepted colts are:
- Go on Top MP (by Danone I x Welt Hit II x Cocktail)
- nn (by De Niro x Wolkentanz I x Forrest xx)
- Guardiola (by Ferro x Farmer x G Ramiro Z)
- Galileo's Bria (by Fidertanz x Rohdiamant x Doruto)
- Grappa (by Fidertanz x Special D x De NIro)
- nn (by Floriscount x Lauries Crusador xx x Wolkentanz I)
- Ghio H (by Furst Romancier x Ferro x Cantor)
- Gerlandos R (by Furst Romancier x Dolany x Loutano)
- Gamble H (by Furstenball x Balzflug x Rossini)
- nn (by Furstenball x Sandro Hit x Donnerhall)
- Grandiazz (by Jazz x Metall x Samber)
- Gibson (by Jazz x Lingh x Ferro)
- Grando (by Jazz x Rhodium x Goodtimes)
- Genesis (by Jazz x Silvano N x Concorde)
- Geta Gimmash (by Jazz x Flemmingh x Goodtimes)
- Galaxie Terra (by Jazz x Future x Ferro)
- Goodman RWP (by Jazz x Lancet x Ulft)
- Guess Who (by Johnson x Rohdiamant x Rousseau)
- Goldstar PB (by Johnson x De Niro x Sendbote)
- Goliath (by Johnson x Ulft x Wisconsin)
- Glamourdale (by Lord Leatherdale x Negro x Ahorn)
- Genesis (by Lord Leatherdale x Metall x Ulster)
- Goldstar K (by Negro x Houston x Tolbert)
- Geronimo d'Hertog (by Rhodium x Gribaldi x Zeppelin)
- Generation SJ (by Scandic x Jazz x Flemmingh)
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