Equine Canada, the Canadian equestrian federation, announced its 2014 Board of Directors at the federation's Annual General Meeting during its national convention held February 5 - 9 in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
The 2014 Board slate is comprised of:
Al Patterson - President
Kerri McGregor - Secretary of the Board, Director-at-Large
Cheryl Denault - Treasurer
Peggy Hambly - Sport Representative
Isabel Reinertson - Sport Representative
TBD - Industry representative
Dean Leifso - Industry representative
Jack de Wit - Recreation representative
Les Oakes - Recreation representative
Paul Cote - Provinces representative
Shirley Brodsky - Provinces representative
Tony Eames - Director-at-Large
Karen Sparks - Director-at-Large
Michael Gallagher - Past President (non-voting)
Michael Arbour - Interim CEO and Equine Canada CFO
"I am humbled and proud to have been elected to the position and look forward to working in collaboration with the Board this year," said Al Patterson. "They're a great group of people from diverse backgrounds and I think it will be a strong team. As a Board, if we are able to realize the goals each set out in our discussions it will be an amazing year of accomplishments for the Board and the organization"
"I would like to thank retiring Directors Tony La Gorgia, Rosaire Houde, Tara Gamble and Jan Stephens for their dedication to Equine Canada and for their years of service to the Board," added Patterson. "I would also like to thank Michael Gallagher for his many years of tireless dedication and service in his many roles with Equine Canada. I'm sure he'll be happy to finally have time to get his boat in the water and to spend time with his grandchildren. We wish him all the best as he moves onto his "retirement". I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the retiring members; I will personally miss them all."
The new Board took office at the Annual General Meeting and will govern Equine Canada until the next AGM to be held February 2015.
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