What's Happening: March 2014 - Part 1

Fri, 03/14/2014 - 11:49
What's Happening in the Dressage World?

Congratulations to Irish Grand Prix rider Judy Reynolds on getting married to Patrick Heavey on 2 March 2014. Reynolds, who is based in Hunxe, Germany, held her wedding celebration at Luttrellstown Castle in Ireland. The couple got engaged on 11 June 2013.

Danish FEI rider Bo Hostrup lost his Grand Prix horse Gøngehusfarmens Lucifer. Hostrup decided to euthanize the 14-year old Danish warmblood gelding (by Linaro x Carthago) as the horse did not recover from a long period of injury.

Jessica Werndl has sold her developing Grand Prix horse Waterkant to Korea. The 10-year old Hanoverian stallion by Wolkenstein II x Matcho AA as last competed internationally in the small tour at the 2013 CDI Vidauban.

Iron Spring Farms' Dutch warmblood stallion Consul (by Nimmerdor) has celebrated his 30th birthday. The licensed stallion started as a show jumper in The Netherlands before selling to the U.S.A. where he competed at small tour level. He is the dam sire of the recently deceased international Grand Prix horse Orion (by Jazz).

After parting with his top horse Bon Bravour, Belgian Tom Franckx has lost the ride on another FEI level horse. The KWPN licensed stallion Westenwind (by Flemmingh x Contango x Ulft) has moved in training with Kirsten Brouwer. Franckx trained the horse up to Inter II level.

During the CDI-W Burbank in California at the end of February 2014, a group of Swedish judges attended a judges' forum hosted by Ulf Wadeborn and moderated by Bo Tibblin. This is the first time that Swedish judges from Prix St Georges to Grand Prix level went abroad to widen their horizon using this format. The group praised the opportunity to be educated and inspired by watching and discussing unknown and famous horse and rider combinations. There are plans to make this Sweden-Goes-USUA judges forum a reccurring event.

Lindsey Holleger's top American junior riders Friedensfurst suffered a colic attack on 14 February 2014. The 12-year old Trakehner gelding (by Donaufurst x Hohenstein) responded well to veterinary intervention and did not need to be moved to the clinic. Holleger and Friendensfurst won individual gold at the 2013 North American Junior Riders Championships and were the reserve junior champions at the 2013 U.S. Dressage Championships.

German based Canadian Grand Prix rider Alexandria Wilson-Lampe has given birth to a baby girl Allegra on 14 February 2014. "She is so wonderful," said the ecstatic mom. "After recovering and taking some time to get aquainted with our new life, I'll be back to riding and competition."

In an interview with Dutch equestrian magazine De Hoefslag, Hans Peter Minderhoud revealed that he acquired ownership of the 19-year old Dutch mare Nadine (by Partout). With the chestnut mare Minderhoud booked his greatest career successes so far. She was retired in 2011. One year ago owner Ton Kies wanted to move the mare to his yard, which made Minderhoud decide to buy her and keep her with him. Hans Peter also disclosed that they have tried breeding her to Totilas for the past two years but the mare re-absorbed each time. "Nadine no longer has to go anywhere," Minderhoud said. "She's now spending great time in the field with a pony and will move with us to the new stable in Oosterbeek."

Australian Grand Prix rider Fiona McNaught married her partner of five years, Edward Selby, a few weeks ago at her equestrian centre Boneo Park in Boneo, Australia. The couple met at business school. They honeymooned at a resort in Thailand.

American Young Rider Ayden Uhlir is the first equestrian athlete to attract sponsorship from multinational Nike. Uhlir has been training with Christine Traurig. A long time participant in the U.S. Developing Youth program, Uhlir won gold at the 2012 North American Junior Riders Championships and got at the 2013 North American Young Riders Championships aboard her Dutch bred geldin Sjapoer (by Contanog).