The FEI Dressage Committee held a meeting via conference call on 27 October 2014. The entire committee, including new member Anna Paprocka-Campanella, participated. FEI Dressage Director Trond Asmyr was excused after he was hospitalized in Denmark the week before.
Update / info from HQ / Collective marks of Dressage tests
The DD had asked IDRC and IDTC to regarding the word “Submission” in the collective marks and the possibility of replacing it with e.g. “cooperation”. The DC thought that also the IDOC and the Judge General should be consulted in this matter, as well as discussing it at the 5* Judges Seminar, and it was therefore decided to postpone this possible change to 2016.
Judging Supervisory Panel
The DC agreed on the procedure of appointing more JSP members before the end of the year. Proposals were to be sent to HQ and would be discussed at the next conference call 17.12.2014.
Dressage Future
The DC went through the draft paper point by point. The Chair asked the DC to send in any further ideas and proposals to HQ within two weeks, after which an updated draft paper would be finalised (still being a working paper), and a more finalised version would later be presented at the Sports Forum.
The Chair also brought forward the idea of having a round table discussion on these matters with a larger group of stakeholder representatives.
Invitation System / Pay cards
Thomas Baur reported from the EEF General Assembly that a working group was developing a proposal to allow pay cards (initially for Jumping), having two kinds of shows, A and B shows; A shows having no pay cards and B shows being pay card shows. The difference would be defined by ranking list points for the athletes. This was only for general information for the time being.
Professional Officials
Thomas Baur also reported that as Jumping had now started discussions on this subject. The DC was to monitor what happened in Jumping in this regard.
IDRC system of Judging
Kyra informed that the IDRC had presented a different judging system at the Global Dressage Forum. She was to send the draft system to the DC for their information.
The next meeting (conference call) was set for Wed 17th December 2014 at 16h CH time.
Photo © Astrid Appels
Related Links
Fouarge, Schule, Lette Step Down as Judging Supervisory Panel Members
FEI Dressage Committee Minutes of 13 August 2014