The Hanoverian breeding stallion and former international Grand Prix horse Garçon has passed away at age 29 at his home in Belgium. Owned by Amandine Prevost, Garçon died of old age on Tuesday evening 18 November 2014.
"His heart slowly stopped beating," owner Prevost told Eurodressage. "He died with us near him. We were full of love and gratitude for all the amazing experiences and emotions he had given us."
Garçon was born in 1985 and bred by Michael Prange. The black stallion was by Gardeoffizier out of Doris (by Dominik xx x Eindruck II).
As a youngster, Garçon was first competed in the riding horse tests in 1989 by Andrea Krings and then taken on by Matthias Vatter to Prix St Georges level between 1990 and 1994. Vatter and Garcon won the 1991 Bundeschampionate in Munich for 6-year olds.
The black stallion moved to Nadine Capellmann's yard in 1994 and was first shown internationally at small tour level and at Grand Prix level in 1995. Renowned trainer Klaus Balkenhol took over the ride in the summer of 1995 and competed the stallion at national and international Grand Prix level. They took placings in Stuttgart, Amsterdam, Stockholm. They were third in the Kur to Music at the 1996 World Cup Finals in Gothenberg.
In 1997 Garçon switched riders again and was competed by Dutch Ellen Bontje in Germany. Moving into Klaus Plönzke's ownership, Garçon got his sixth rider in Anja Plönzke in 1998. She competed him at national Grand Prix level from 1998 till 2000.
Garçon disappeared from the scene to resurface in 2004 under Belgian Young Rider Amandine Prevost, who competed the stallion for Belgium at international youth riders events in Duisburg, Neubeeren and Babenhausen.
Garçon was licensed as a breeding stallion for the Hanoverian society as a 10-year old in 1995 based on his show achievements. He was also approved for the Oldenburg, Westfalian, South German, SBS and Selle Français studbook.
Garçon bred only very little in Germany and Belgium. His most successful ofspring is the Austrian warmblood Gusti (by ) who is an L-level show jumper. Garcon has no licensed offspring and he produced one state premium mare.
Garçon was an invaluable schoolmaster to Amandine Prevost. He was retired from competition at age 23 and stood up for stud until he was 24.
Photos © private
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