The Belgian Equestrian Federation (KBRSF) has taken a firm standpoint and will be respecting the breeder's choice of horse name when riders register their horses for sport with the national federation.
At a board meeting in December 2014, the KBRSF disscused the issue of changing horse names in Belgium, as well as the addition of pre- and suffixes of sponsors, dealers' yards, etc.
The KBRSF stated that it has noted that studbooks prefer that the sport name remains the same as the name registered with the breed society. This also goes along the ideals and regulations for horse identification ordered by the European Union.
Therefore, the KBRSF has decided that the sport's name can no longer be changed from the name given by the breeders. The original name will therefore be the registered sport's name of the horse with the Belgian Equestrian Federations.
Owners can pay 100 euro to have a sponsor pre- or suffix added to the name but the original name will be kept. This will also be the name that will be registered on the FEI passport. Registering a sponsor's pre- or suffix with the FEI costs an additional 900 euro.
Source: KBRSF
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