The Canadian equestrian federation (Equine Canada) offers several educational courses for dressage stewards and judges to upgrade, maintain or receive certification.
These clinics are open to individuals interested in pursuing and maintaining official certification, and also to anyone interested in learning more about the sport of dressage or the role of officials at competitions.
Clinics offer exciting opportunities to work with highly qualified and experienced Canadian dressage and para-dressage judges and stewards including: Lorraine MacDonald, Cara Whitham, Christine Hickman and Linda Miller.
The following are the dressage steward and judge clinics Equine Canada will be hosting in 2015:
Stewards' Clinics
- Equine Canada National Convention
Crowne Plaza Gatineau-Ottawa
Mar. 29th, 2015
Gatineau, Que.
Clinician - Christine Hickman, FEI 3* dressage steward
*Participants who register for this clinic must also register and attend the General Stewards Clinic scheduled for March 28th at the Equine Canada Convention in order to receive full credit for updating or upgrading their steward status. - Mar. 14-15, 2015
*Calgary, Alta.
*The venue for this clinic is to be confirmed
Clinician - Linda Miller, FEI 2* dressage steward
Judges' Clinic
- Ottawa Dressage Festival and CDI3*
May 30-31, 2015
Ottawa, Ont.
Clinician - Lorraine MacDonald, Equine Canada senior dressage judge and retired FEI 4* dressage judge - CAADA Dressage show and CDI3*
Jun. 27-28, 2015
Calgary, Alta.
Clinician - Cara Whitham, FEI 5* dressage judge
Photo © Astrid Appels
Related Links
Second Annual Canadian Florida Fortnight Back in 2015 by Popular Demand
2012 Canadian Dressage Symposium Featuring MacDonald and Gribbe