De Niro, Diamond Hit, San Amour I, Vivaldi, Fürst Romancier, Grey Flanell, Fürstenball – those are some of the names of the sires of our young stars in the 2016 Oldenburg Fall Collection. Modern dressage foals will also be a source of excitement at the Fall Elite Auction on Saturday, 1 October 2016 at the Oldenburg Horse Center Vechta. International stallions that are the best in the world have been combined with sporty, well-bred mare lines.
The phenomenal foal collection opens with Märchenkönig (by Millennium/Trakehner x De Niro x Andiamo). This highly refined colt is an eye-catcher with his royal bearing and outstanding movements. His granddam Waskia is a sister of a successful advanced level show jumper mare named Lady Courzon (by Lord Liberty) ridden by Stefan Abt. Also from this highly successful dam line of Jasine are Aquilino by Argentinus, Eva Senn’s Grand Prix horse, as well as two brothers who collect ribbons in advanced level dressage, Soleado OLD (by Sandro Hit) ridden by Maike Mende and Sandrofino OLD with Holga Finken in the saddle.
Once again De Niro! De Mateng (by De Niro x Sandro Hit x Rubinstein I) has a combination of the best international dressage bloodlines in his pedigree. This noble stallion prospect comes from the Große Liebe family. This family is also the origin of the licensed stallions Grundsteins Erbe/Eurocommerce Rom, Fortunatus, Landkönig and Belafonte as well as Jaybee Alabaster (by Alabaster), who is successfully ridden in Grand Prix by Hayley Beresford.
Olympic flair with Weihegold OLD. Her son Special Gold (by San Amour I x Don Schufro x Sandro Hit) really shines in this year’s golden fall collection. Weihegold OLD has been blessed with a star-studded career in the dressage ring which has now reached its zenith with Olympic gold and silver in Rio. Her son Special Gold is blessed with everything it could possibly take to follow in the footsteps of his famous dam.
Another precious gem is Elfenlaune (by Grey Flanell x Sion x Figaro). Dam Elfensonne, who also produced a licensed son named Dimanche Royal (by De Niro), is also the dam of the US Champion Elfenfeuer by Florencio I who wins Grand Prix with Alice Tarjan. Granddam Elfenschein is the dam of two licensed stallions, Razzmataz (by Raphael) and De Kuyper (by De Niro). Also from this mare line is the Grand Prix winning star sire Depardieu (by De Niro).
On Saturday, October 1st, the parade of top foals will begin at 1:00 p.m. If it is not possible for you to make it personally to the Oldenburg Horse Center, you can still see the foals live on the Internet. Starting around 12:00 noon, there will be a button on the homepage of the Oldenburg website www.oldenburger-pferde.com that will take you directly to the livestream of the final presentation of the auction foals.
You’ll find an overview of the entire collection on the Internet in the auction area of the Oldenburg website.
Click here to see the trailer of the dressage horses and foals.
Of course you can always easily purchase your favorites by phone. Please make arrangements for this in advance with one of our employees in the Oldenburg Auction Office.
As of 3:00 p.m. the auction will begin with its approximately 50 sport horses and around 40 Elite foals. The Oldenburg Horse Center Vechta is looking forward to your visit!
Consulting and customer service - Dressage horses:
- Thomas Rhinow: +49 (0) 44 41-93 55 15 or rhinow.thomas@oldenburger-pferde.com
- Daniel Pophanken: +49 (0) 44 41-93 55 895 or pophanken.daniel@oldenburger-pferde.com
Information/catalogues - Auction Office Vechta:
- Elisabeth Gerberding: +49 (0) 44 41-93 55 12 or gerberding.elisabeth@oldenburger-pferde.com
- Heike Arends: +49 (0) 44 41-93 55 31 or arends.heike@oldenburger-pferde.com