Dutch young rider Fabienne Heikens has lost her number one horse Angusch to colic. The 11-year old Dutch warmblood gelding and formerly licensed stallion was euthanized on Friday 7 October 2016.
Angusch (by Special D x Jazz x Zeoliet) was bred by Mr Giepmans and originally owned by Mrs Van Driel-van Daal, who Angusch as a young stallion in training with Diederik van Silfhout. They placed third at the 2009 Pavo Cup Finals and was a semi finalist in the 2010 Pavo Cup.
In 2015 a gelded Angusch got competed by Dutch young rider Fabienne Heikens. They made their international debut at the CDI Darmstadt. This year they competed at two internationals in Hagen and Diepenbeek. The pair finished 12th at the 2016 Dutch Dressage Championships.
Angusch developed a colic on Saturday 1 October and was operated on. He initially recovered well but then developed complications and was euthanized on Friday.
"My world collapsed yesterday," Fabienne wrote on her Facebook page. "I miss my buddy, my friend, so much. Why is life so unfair and did he have to go. He was only 11 years old for crying out loud. We had so many plans together."
Photo © Astrid Appels
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