Sue Nevett's Clifton Court Laurenz Passed Away

Thu, 12/29/2016 - 05:20
Australian Dressage News

Australian Grand Prix rider Susan Nevett had to say goodbye to her number one international Grand Prix horse Clifton Court Laurenz. The 18-year old Australian bred Oldenburg did not survive a colic attack due to a lipoma tumour.

Clifton Court Laurenz was home bred by Nevett in Australia and born in 1998. He was sired by Luciano out of Nina (by Tantallen).

Nevett trained the horse, who was affectionately known as "Loz", from novice to Grand Prix level herself.  The pair has been coached by Gitte Donvig.

The 62-year old Nevett made her international debut on the big bay at small tour level in 2012. Their first CDI was the 3* in Boneo in January 2012. They competed at small tour level from 2012 through 2014 with modest results. The horse made its international Grand Prix debut at age 18 at the 2016 CDI Boneo in September. They scored 58.760% in the Grand Prix to place 10th.

"I said goodbye to my beautiful big horse. Totally devastated, I've lost the horse of a lifetime. He always had a great forward attitude, in the arena or on the bush trails. I felt so privileged to breed, ride and train such a generous and uncomplicated horse. I guess its all about the journey really, but this last year at the Grand Prix (with some pretty good scores and some wins) was special."

Laurenz underwent treatment at the Ballarat Veterinary Practice for the lipoma tumour, but he could not be saved.

Photo © Jessica Atkins

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Scores: 2016 CDI Boneo
Scores: 2014 CDN Werribee
Scores: 2013 CDI Boneo
Scores: 2012 CDI Boneo
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