The FEI Equine Prohibited Substances List Group - the sub-committee of the Veterinary Committee responsible for the FEI Equine Prohibited Substances List (EPSL) - has met to consider changes to the 2017 EPSL.
The proposed changes to the FEI Equine Prohibited Substances List can be found here.
Any changes accepted would become effective from 1 January 2018 and are subject to consultation and review before their implementation.
The FEI requests that comments regarding the proposed changes, including a clear scientific reasoning, be submitted to Caterina Termine by Monday 07 August 2017.
All comments received before this deadline will be considered by the FEI Equine Prohibited Substances List Group before finalising their conclusions.
Furthremore, in order to make all information about FEI Clean Sport more easily accessible, the FEI has aggregated everything about Clean Sport for Humans and Clean Sport for Horses under one roof. The Clean Sport button at the top of the home page on www.inside.fei.org now takes you directly to all the FEI Clean Sport information, together with details about testing, test results (both positive and negative) and FEI Tribunal cases and decisions.
Related Links
Changes to 2017 FEI Equine Prohibited Substances List Approved
FEI List Group to Add GABA and Hydroxy-GABA to Prohibited List
Horizon and Don Principe Test Positive to Banned Substance Ractopamine
Key Changes to the Revised Equine Prohibited Substance List as of 2016