Six dressage bred warmblood stallions were approved for Westfalian breeding at the 2018 Westfalian Late Licensing in Munster-Handorf on 13 December 2018.
Thirty-two dressage and show jumping stallions and ponies as well as some coldbloods were entered for the late licensing.
The Westfalian society used three different definitions to indicate the approved/licensed status of the presented colts: gekort (licensed but still to be performance tested), zugelassen fur Westf. Zuchtprogramm (approved and already licensed with another studbook), and Ubernahme HB I (approved for life for older, proven stallions)
The accepted dressage bred colts are:
- Daricello (by Dante Weltino x Laurentio) - Owner: Gestut Westfalenhof - approved (15 mares/year)
- Sezarion (by Sezuan x Sandro Hit) - Owner: Gestut Westfalenhof - approved
- Fellini (by Berlusconi x Grafenstolz) - Owner by Margit Eisner - approved for life
- Belissario (by Belissimo M x Sandro Hit) - Owner: Gestut Lonken - approved
- Bordeaux' Barolo (by Bordeaux x Munchhausen) - Owner: Alida Abrar - licensed (15 mares/year)
- Zackorado (by Zack x Florencio) - Owner: Matthieu Beckmann - approved
Photo © LL-foto
Related Links
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