Junior Riders - Team Championship Test
Judges: Hotz, Majewska, Ringmark
- 1. Rogers, Dennesy - Chanel - 65.657 (USA)
- 2. Ekstrand, Sophia - Fiderking - 65.505 (USA)
Junior Riders - Individual Test
Judges: Minor, Ringmark, Osinski
- 1. Ekstrand, Sophia - Fiderking - 65.833 (USA)
- 2. Rogers, Dennesy - Chanel - 64.461 (USA)
Junior Riders - Kur to Music
Judges: Ringmark, Minor, Hotz, Osinski, Majewska
- 1.
Young Riders - Team Championship Test
Judges: Hotz, Majewska, Ringmark
- 1. Mccullough, Dallas - Fritz - 67.304% (USA)
- 2. Ekstrand, Sophia - Concetta - 67.206% (USA)
- 3. Mathews, Katherine - Soliere - 62.059% (USA)
- 4. Wyman, Cameron- Thys - 60.451% (USA)
- 5. Mathews, Katherine - Roosevelt - 59.461% (USA)
Young Riders - Individual Test
Judges: Minor, Ringmark, Osinski
- 1. Ekstrand, Sophia - Concetta - 68.922 (USA)
- 2. Mccullough, Dallas - Fritz - 66.275 (USA)
- 3.Wyman, Cameron - Thys - 64.118 (USA)
- 4. Mathews, Katherine - Roosevelt - 60.294 (USA)
- Mathews, Katherine - Soliere - DNS (USA)
Young Riders - Kur to Music
Judges: Ringmark, Minor, Hotz, Osinski, Majewska
- 1.
Prix St Georges
Judges: Majewska, Hotz, Minor, Ringmark, Osinski
- 1. Lockman, Sarah - First Apple - 74.382 (USA)
- 2. Seidel, Guenter - Beltano - 72.559 (USA)
- 3. Hartung, Christian - Desario - 69.176 (Germany)
- 4. Clarke, Nicholia - Coral Reef Scoobidooh - 69.088 (USA)
- 5. Harrison, Kristina - Finley - 68.324 (USA)
- 6. Raine, Kathleen - Don Johnson - 68.265 (USA)
- 7. Crawford, Eiren - Godot Ssf - 67.941 (Canada)
- 8. Harrison, Kristina - Barnaby Wilde Gcf - 67.853 (USA)
- 9. Blake, David - Heide Spirit - 66.235 (USA)
- 10. Birchall, Stephen - Damore - 66.235 (USA)
- 11. Buechler, Alyssa - Ekho - 64.529 (USA)
- 12. Mayer, Patty - Cato - 62.706 (USA)
- Kossowicz, Tegan - Dujelinda M - DNS (USA)
Intermediaire I
Judges: Ringmark, Hotz, Osinski, Majewska, Minor
- 1. Lockman, Sarah - First Apple - 74.824 (USA)
- 2. Blake, David - Heide Spirit - 69.118 (USA)
- 3. Harrison, Kristina - Barnaby Wilde Gcf - 68.735 (USA)
- 4. Clarke, Nicholia - Coral Reef Scoobidooh - 68.706 (USA)
- 5. Raine, Kathleen - Don Johnson - 67.500 (USA)
- 6. Hartung, Christian - Desario - 67.353 (Germany)
- 7. Crawford, Eiren - Godot Ssf - 67.176 (Canada)
- 8. Birchall, Stephen - D'Amore - 67.147 (USA)
- 9. Harrison, Kristina - Finley - 66.882 (USA)
- 10. Seidel, Gunter - Beltano - 66.853 (USA)
- 11. Kossowicz, Tegan - Dujelinda M - 65.618 (USA)
- 12. Mayer, Patty - Cato - 65.559 (USA)
- 13. Buechler, Alyssa - Ekho - 62.029 (USA)
Intermediaire I - Kur to Music
Judges: Ringmark, Minor, Hotz, Osinski, Majewska
- 1.
Under 25 - Intermediaire II
Judges: Minor, Ringmark, Osinski
- 1. Manhard, Claire - Wilfonia - 67.010 (USA)
Under 25 - Short Grand Prix
Judges: Ringmark, Minor, Hotz, Osinski, Majewsja
- to come
Grand Prix
Judges: Osinski, Majewska, Ringmark, Minor, Hotz
- 1. Rocovich, Terri - Uiver - 65.587% (USA)
- 2. Martin, Susan - Natasha - 61.543% (USA)
- 3. Kohler-Ekstrand, Christine - Dark Berry - 61.152% (USA)
- 4. Van 't Riet, Sherry - Sir Deauville - 60.109% (USA)
Grand Prix Special
Judges: Ringmark, Minoz, Hotz, Osinski, Majewska
- to come