5-year olds - Preliminary Test
Judges: Max-Theurer, Lopes, Saleh
- 1. Kristine Moller - Quatre-Quarts A L' Orange - 84.200 (Luxembourg)
- 2. Dirk-Jan van de Water - Jack Black WW- 80.400 (Holland)
- 3. Kristine Moller - Spectre - 78.800 (Luxembourg)
- 4. Fie Christine Skarsoe - Coco Island - 77.600 (Luxembourg)
- 4. Vanessa Siep - Sezuaia - 77.600 (Germany)
- 6. Karen Nijvelt - Jango Rnd - 75.200 (Holland)
- 7. Sophie Rossy - Nacho - 73.400 (Luxembourg)
- 8. Celine Wagner - Soleil d'Amour - 72.200 (Luxembourg)
- 9. Stephan Brandt - Donnalittchen MG - 70.600 (Germany)
- Carlos Manuel Caetano - Federer - ELI (Portugal)
5-year olds - Finals Test
Judges: Baarup, Max-Theurer, Ebert
- 1. Kristine Moller - Quatre-Quarts A L' Orange - 87.400 (Luxembourg)
- 2. Dirk-Jan van de Water - Jack Black WW - 83.000 (Holland)
- 3. Kristine Moller - Spectre - 82.200 (Luxembourg)
- 4. Celine Wagner - Soleil d'Amour - 79.100 (Luxembourg)
- 5. Fie Skarsoe - Coco Island - 79.000 (Luxembourg)
- 6. Vanessa Siep - Sezuaia - 77.600 (Germany)
- 7. Stephan Brandt - Donnalittchen MG - 76.200 (Germany)
- 8. aren Nijvelt - Jango Rnd - 71.200 (Holland)
- Sophie Rossy - Nacho - ELI (Luxembourg)
6-year olds - Preliminary Test
Judges: Lopes; Osinski, Wust
- 1. Mandy Zimmer - Symphony MZ G- 85.200 (Luxembourg)
- 2. Krista Kolijn - Ivy - 82.200 (Holland)
- 3. Sascha Schulz - Freischuetz - 80.000 (Luxembourg)
- 4. Aure Spleeters - Excalibur - 76.800 (Belgium)
6-year olds - Finals Test
Judges: Lopes, Halsall, Wust
- 1. Mandy Zimmer - Symphony MZ - 85.800 (Luxembourg)
- 2. Krista Kolijn - Ivy - 81.600 (Holland)
- 3. Aure Spleeters - Excalibur - 75.600 (Belgium)
7-year olds - Preliminary Test
Judges: Osinski, Halsall, Saleh
- 1. Susanne Krohn - Titolas - 76.686 (Germany)
- 2. Saskia Poel - Hero-K - 74.725 (Holland)
- 3. Katja Galmbacher - Boss Hoss - 73.890 (Germany)
- 4. Marieke Ponzo Dieu- De Pundert - Haliego - 73.825 (Holland)
- 5. Mathis Goerens - Riptide - 73.347 (Luxembourg)
- 6. Leah Beckett - Merlot - Royal - 73.032 (Great Britain)
- 7. Sandra van Loon - Decamerona - 71.179 (Germany)
- 8. Katja Galmbacher - Scarosso - 70.365 (Germany)
- 9. Mandy Zimmer - Dragon Welt - 67.972 (Luxembourg)
- 10. Jacqueline Tonnaer - Heaven Sent Tcs - 67.061 (Holland)
- 11. Mandy Zimmer - Herosch MZ - 66.279 (Luxembourg)
7-year olds - Finals Test
Judges: Halsall, Baarup, Wust
- 1. Mandy Zimmer - Dragon Welt - 77.272 (Luxembourg)
- 2. Susanne Krohn - Titolas - 75.729 (Germany)
- 3. Katja Galmbacher - Boss Hoss - 74.886 (Germany)
- 4. Mathis Goerens - Riptide - 73.872 (Luxembourg)
- 5. Saskia Poel - Hero-K - 73.457 (Holland)
- 6. Marieke Ponzo Dieu- De Pundert - Haliego - 72.515 (Holland)
- 7. Sandra van Loon - Decamerona- 71.429 (Germany)
- 8. Katja Galmbacher - Scarosso - 70.943 (Germany)
- 9. Mandy Zimmer - Herosch MZ - 70.615 (Luxembourg)
- 10. Leah Beckett - Merlot - Royal - 70.200 (Great Britain)
- 11. Jacqueline Tonnaer - Heaven Sent Tcs - 67.315 (Holland)
Pony Riders - Team Championship Test
Judges: Wust, Max-Theurer, Lopes
- 1. Johanna Kullmann - Champ Of Class - 75.000 (Germany)
- 2. Shona Benner - Der Kleine Sunnyboy WE - 74.619 (Germany)
- 3. Lana-Pinou Baumgürtel - Zinq Massimiliano FH - 74.571 (Germany)
- 4. Antonia Busch-Kuffner - Daily Pleasure WE - 74.429 (Germany)
- 5. Rose Oatley - Daddy Moon - 72.571 (Germany)
- 6. Sophie Luisa Duen - Del Estero Nrw - 71.238 (Germany)
- 7. Paulina Von Wulffen - Dujardin B - 69.905 (Germany)
- 8. Raiza Hendrix - Crommentuyns Fuego - 69.143 (Holland)
- 9. Joanne Neidhöfer - Pearcy's Popeye - 68.571 (Holland)
- 10. Lilly Martinez Jacobs - DSP Ti Drei D - 68.524 (Spain)
- 11. Jiska van Nuffelen - Oh So Good - 68.238 (Belgium)
- 12. Tatum Nugteren - Del Piero - 67.476 (Holland)
- 13. Wynja Eriksdotter Rubin - Proteus - 67.143 (Sweden)
- 14. Florentien de Strooper - Die Feine Lady B - 66.667 (Belgium)
- 15. Louise Brauwers - N-Constantino V/D Bolkerhoeve - 66.619 (Belgium)
- 16. Emilie Biermans - Kronio van de Delthoeve - 66.476 (Belgium)
- 17. Carmen van Delden - Davida - 65.810 (Holland)
- 18. Lisa Waverijn - Dornier - 65.667 (Belgium)
- 19. Barbora Kavanova - Icarus van de Bulksehoeve - 65.238 (Czech)
- 19. Sam Cuppen - Dilara - 65.238 (Holland)
- 21. Liezel Everars - Fs Capelli de Niro - 64.143 (Belgium)
- 22. Caitlin Clancy - Browbank Jacob Black - 62.238 (Great Britian)
- 22. Jette de Jong - Gucci - 62.238 (Belgium)
- 24. Seppe Hertogs - Bacardi Breezer - 60.714 (Belgium)
- Clara Collard - Orchid's Borneo II - ELI (Belgium)
Pony Riders - Individual Test
Judges: Max-Theurer, Saleh, Ebert
- 1. Lana-Pinou Baumgürtel - Massimiliano FH - 75.180 (Germany)
- 2. Rose Oatley - Daddy Moon - 74.955 (Germany)
- 3. Shona Benner - Der Kleine Sunnyboy - 74.144 (Germany)
- 4. Antonia Busch-Kuffner - Daily Pleasure - 73.694 (Germany)
- 5. Sophie Luisa Duen - Del Estero - 72.252 (Germany)
- 6. Paulina Von Wulffen - Dujardin B - 69.459 (Germany)
- 7. Carmen van Delden - Davida - 69.009 (Holland)
- 8. Raiza Hendrix - Crommentuyns Fuego - 68.018 (Holland)
- 9. Lisa Waverijn - Dornier - 67.613 (Belgium)
- 10. Liezel Everars - Fs Capelli de Niro - 67.117 (Belgium)
- 11. Tatum Nugteren - Del Piero - 66.667 (Holland)
- 12. Lilly Martinez Jacobs - Ti Drei D- 66.216 (Spain)
- 13. Wynja Eriksdotter Rubin - Proteus - 65.991 (Sweden)
- 14. Clara Collard - Orchid's Borneo II - 65.946 (Belgium)
- 15. Jiska van Nuffelen - Oh So Good - 65.901 (Belgium)
- 16. Joanne Neidhöfer - Pearcy's Popeye - 65.405 (Holland)
- 17. Florentien de Strooper - Die Feine Lady B - 65.090 (Belgium)
- 18. Sam Cuppen - Dilara - 64.730 (Holland)
- 19. Emilie Biermans - Kronio van de Delthoeve - 64.640 (Belgium)
- 20. Seppe Hertogs - Bacardi Breezer - 64.369 (Belgium)
- 21. Louise Brauwers - N-Constantino V/D Bolkerhoeve - 63.198 (Belgium)
- 22. Caitlin Clancy - Browbank Jacob Black - 62.568 (Great Britain)
- 23. Barbora Kavanova - Icarus van de Bulksehoeve - 62.117 (Czech)
- Jette de Jong - Gucci - ELI (Belgium)
Pony Riders - Kur to Music
Judges: Baarup, Saleh, Lopes, Wust, Maknami
- 1. Rose Oatley - Daddy Moon - 78.650 (Germany)
- 2. Antonia Busch-Kuffner - Daily Pleasure - 76.435 (Germany)
- 3. Paulina Von Wulffen - Dujardin B - 75.300 (Germany)
- 4. Shona Benner - Der Kleine Sunnyboy - 74.710 (Germany)
- 5. Sophie Luisa Duen - Del Estero - 72.275 (Germany)
- 6. Raiza Hendrix - Crommentuyns Fuego - 71.655 (Holland)
Junior Riders - Team Championship Test
Judges: Max-Theurer, Baarup, Lopes, Eisenhardt, Maknami
- 1. Natalia Bacariza Danguillecourt - Dhannie - 71.485 (Spain)
- 2. Emma-Lou Becca - Gucci-Sinclair - 71.394 (Luxembourg)
- 3. Moritz Treffinger - Standing Ovation - 71.303 (Germany)
- 4. Marie Bauer - Eye Catcher - 69.606 (Germany)
- 5. Emely van Loon - Fbw Despereaux - 68.515 (Germany)
- 6. Jessica Poelman - Zamora - 67.758 (Holland)
- 7. Karoline Sofie Vestergaard - Junior Hit - 67.212 (Belgium)
- 8. Melanie Bartz - Diary Dream - 67.000 (Italy)
- 9. Mathilda Von Guttenberg - Fly Rio - 64.697 (Germany)
- 10. Cloe Jawurek - Gayento vh Bloemenhof - 63.591 (France)
- 11. Maria - Eleni Tourkomani - Saigon - 61.576 (Greece)
- 11. Asya Eksioglu - Donovan - 61.576 (Turkey)
- 13. Lara Su Tansan - Lepanto VII - 59.879 (Turkey)
- 14. Jamie-Lee Lange - Bandiet - ELI (Luxembourg)
Junior Riders - Individual Test
Judges: Max-Theurer, Osinski, Lopes
- 1. Natalia Bacariza Danguillecourt - Dhannie - 71.765 (Spain)
- 2. Emma-Lou Becca - Gucci-Sinclair - 70.833 (Luxembourg)
- 3. Marie Bauer - Eye Catcher - 69.608 (Germany)
- 4. Moritz Treffinger - Standing Ovation - 68.529 (Germany)
- 5. Karoline Sofie Vestergaard - Junior Hit - 68.137 (Belgium)
- 6. Mathilda Von Guttenberg - Fly Rio - 67.745 (Germany)
- 7. Emely van Loon - Fbw Despereaux - 67.696 (Germany)
- 8. Melanie Bartz - Diary Dream Old - 66.471 (Italy)
- 9. Jessica Poelman - Zamora - 66.275 (Holland)
- 10. Cloe Jawurek - Gayento vh Bloemenhof - 65.882 (France)
- 11. Maria - Eleni Tourkomani - Saigon - 61.127 (Greece)
- 12. Lara Su Tansan - Lepanto VII - 58.814 (Turkey)
- 13. Asya Eksioglu - Donovan - 58.186 (Turkey)
Junior Riders - Kur to Music
Judges: Osinski, Maknami, Ebert, Baarup, Lopes
- 1. Natalia Bacariza Danguillecourt - Dhannie - 76.050 (Spain)
- 2. Emma-Lou Becca - Gucci-Sinclair - 74.110 (Luxembourg)
- 3. Moritz Treffinger - Standing Ovation - 72.925 (Germany)
- 4. Marie Bauer - Eye Catcher - 71.885 (Germany)
- 5. Karoline Sofie Vestergaard - Junior Hit - 69.825 (Belgium)
- 6. Mathilda Von Guttenberg - Fly Rio - 2.725 (Germany)
Young Riders - Team Championship Test
Judges: Ebert, Saleh, Halsall
- 1.. Anna Guseynova - Lauda - 71.520 (Russia)
- 2. Anna Aristova - Wilkinson - 70.441 (Russia)
- 3. Magali Goergen - Bayard - 68.529 (Luxembourg)
- 4. Benjamin Ebeling - Behlinger - 68.186 (USa)
- 5. Victoria Marie Schönhofen - One Night Stand - 68.137 (Germany)
- 6. Xanthe de Backer - Batiqar - 68.088 (Belgium)
- 7. Beaudine Pieters - Elbrasco - L - 67.794 (Belgium)
- 8. Lara Kuropatwa - For Season - 67.696 (Great Britain)
- 9. Amber de Groot - Homemade - 67.598 (Holland)
- 10. Kristine Winkel - Sundancer - 67.157 (Luxembourg)
- 11. Anna Aristova - Revolution - 67.108 (Russia)
- 12. Angus Corrie-Deane - Tiny Tempur- 66.912 (Great Britain)
- 13. Luna Laabs - Wild Willy Granly - 66.422 (Germany)
- 14. Zoë Zwiggelaar - Fidarsi Rossi - 65.735 (Holland)
- 15. Dente de Schepper - Emaico - 63.873 (Belgium)
- 16. Victoria Marie Schönhofen - Simple Choice - 62.843 (Germany)
- 17. Margot Arkema - Gavaristo - 61.471 (Holland)
- Marie Schiltz - Favourite Dream - RET (Luxembourg)
Young Riders - Individual Test
Judges: Osinski, Lopes, Halsall
- 1. Anna Guseynova - Lauda - 69.559 (Russia)
- 2. Benjamin Ebeling - Behlinger - 69.216 (USA)
- 3. Magali Goergen - Bayard - 67.843 (Luxembourg)
- 4. Anna Aristova - Wilkinson - 67.108 (Russia)
- 5. Amber de Groot - Homemade - 67.059 (Holland)
- 5. Luna Laabs - Wild Willy Granly - 67.059 (Germany)
- 7. Zoë Zwiggelaar - Fidarsi Rossi - 66.716 (Holland)
- 8. Beaudine Pieters - Elbrasco - L - 66.137 (Belgium)
- 9. Dente de Schepper - Emaico - 65.931 (Belgium)
- 9. Xanthe de Backer - Batiqar - 65.931 (Belgium)
- 11. Margot Arkema - Gavaristo - 65.882 (Holland)
- 12. Victoria Marie Schönhofen - One Night Stand - 65.588 (Germany)
- 13. Angus Corrie-Deane - Tiny Tempur - 64.853 (Great Britain)
- 14. Kristine Winkel - Sundancer - 64.216 (Luxembourg)
- 15. Lara Kuropatwa - For Season - 63.431 (Great Britain)
- 16. Victoria Marie Schönhofen - Simple Choice - 60.294 (Germany)
- Anna Aristova - Revolution - RET (Russia)
- Marie Schiltz - Favourite Dream - ELI (Luxembourg)
Young Riders - Kur to Music
Judges: Max-Theurer, Ebert, Saleh, Osinski, Baarup
- 1. Anna Guseynova - Lauda - 74.560 (Russia)
- 2. Benjamin Ebeling - Behlinger - 72.230 (USA)
- 3. Amber de Groot - Homemade - 71.500 (Holland)
- 4. Magali Goergen - Bayard - 69.845 (Luxembourg)
- 5. Anna Aristova - Wilkinson- 69.500 (Russia)
- 6. Luna Laabs - Wild Willy Granly - 67.160 (Germany)
Amateurs - Almased - Prix St Georges
Judges: Wust, Osinski, Ebert
- 1. Lisa Arendt - Furstengruss - 68.922 (Luxembourg)
- 2. Lars Viereck - Sonrisa Divina - 67.304 (Germany)
- 3. Dorte Pack - Esteban - 67.059 (Germany)
- 4. Caroline Palsgaard - Findus B. - 66.520 (Denmark)
- 5. Anouk Eyschen - Stanley - 65.833 (Luxembourg)
- 6. Daniela Dittrich - Fantaghiero - 64.853 (Germany)
- 7. Jutta Bitsch - Ferrari - 63.873 (Germany)
- 8. Nancy Colbett - Don Vino - 60.637 (Luxembourg)
- 9. Hirohiko Koyanagi - Floris Vinckenburgh - 58.382 (Japan)
Amateurs - Almased - Intermediaire I
Judges: Halsall, Lopes; Ebert
- 1. Dorte Pack - Esteban - 67.647 (Germany)
- 2. Caroline Palsgaard - Findus B - 66.961 (Denmark)
- 3. Lisa Arendt - Furstengruss - 65.343 (Luxembourg)
- 4. Daniela Dittrich - Fantaghiero - 65.147 (Germany)
- 5. Lars Viereck - Sonrisa Divina - 64.853 (Germany)
- 6. Anouk Eyschen - Stanley - 63.049 (Luxembourg)
- 7. Hirohiko Koyanagi - Floris Vinckenburgh - 62.500 (Japan)
- 8. Nancy Colbett - Don Vino - 58.529 (Luxembourg)
Prix St Georges
Judges: Osinski, Ebert, Maknami, Lopes, Eisenhardt
- 1. Eyal Zlatin - Rockmusik - 70.294 (Israel)
- 2. Juan Matute Guimon - Guateque IV - 69.912 (Spain)
- 3. Kristine Moller - Standing O'Vation - 69.235 (Luxembourg)
- 4. Emma-Lou Becca - Komet - 67.500 (Luxembourg)
- 5. Lotje Schoots - Grace Of Rose - 67.353 (Holland)
- 6. Franziska Stieglmaier 1-3 Samurai - 67.324 (Germany)
- 7. Fleur Verbeek - DJ - 67.294 (Holland)
- 8. Krista Kolijn - Wish - 67.176 (Holland)
- 9 . Veronique Philippaerts-Engelen - Wendor - 67.147 (Belgium)
- 10. Magali Castellana - Armani - 66.706 (Belgium)
- 11. Karen Nijvelt - Go For It - 65.029 (Holland)
- 12. Larinda Nandhabiwat - Hope- 62.794 (Thailand)
- 13. Anemone Clermont - Bomba Hit des Waides - 62.559 (Belgium)
Intermediaire I
Judges: Baarup, Eisenhardt, Lopes, Maknami; Halsall
- 1. Juan Matute Guimon - Guateque IV - 70.265 (Spain)
- 2. Kristine Moller - Standing O'Vation - 69.882 (Luxembourg)
- 3. Veronique Philippaerts-Engelen - Wendor - 69.059 (Belgium)
- 4. Emma-Lou Becca - Komet - 68.853 (Luxembourg)
- 5. Lotje Schoots - Grace Of Rose - 68.206 (Holland)
- 6. Krista Kolijn - Wish - 67.000 (Holland)
- 7. Fleur Verbeek - DJ - 66.647 (Holland)
- 8. Magali Castellana - Armani - 66.176 (Belgium)
- 9. Franziska Stieglmaier - Samurai - 65.029 (Germany)
- 10. Anemone Clermont - Bomba Hit des Waides - 64.412 (Belgium)
- 11. Eyal Zlatin - Rockmusik - 63.382 (Israel)
- 12. Karen Nijvelt - Go For IT - 63.118 (Holland)
- 13. Larinda Nandhabiwat - Hope - 62.735 (Thailand)
Intermediaire A
Judges: Lopes, Halsall, Maknami, Max-Theurer, Wust
- 1. Hendrik Lochthowe - Bricco Barone - 69.971 (Germany)
- 2. Uwe Schwanz - Rockson - 69.735 (Germany)
- 3. Kristine Moller - Hamilton - 67.618 (Luxembourg)
- 4. Susan Dutta - Figeac DC - 65.794 (USA)
- 5. Katja Galmbacher - Schick Und Schoen - 65.118 (Germany)
- 6vLotje Schoots - Favorit - 64.176 (Holland)
- 7. Warwick Mclean - Hendrix - 59.294 (Australia)
Intermediaire II
Judges: Maknami, Lopes, Umbach, Osinski, Halsall
- 1. Hendrik Lochthowe - Bricco Barone - 69.912 (Germany)
- 2. Uwe Schwanz - Rockson - 67.882 (Germany)
- 3. Kristine Moller - Hamilton - 67.588 (Luxembourg)
- 4. Susan Dutta - Figeac DC - 64.647 (USA)
- 5. Warwick Mclean - Hendrix - 64.265 (Australia)
- 6. Katja Galmbacher - Schick Und Schoen - 63.676 (Germany)
- 7. Lotje Schoots - Favorit - 61.794 (Holland)
Under 25 - Intermediaire II
Judges: Ebert, Max-Theurer, Halsall, Wust, Saleh
- 1. Jessica Krieg - Special Edition - 68.382 (Germany)
- 2. Jazmin Yom Tov - Hexagon's Zodinde - 67.676 (Hungary)
- 3. Jessica Krieg - Sergio Leone - 66.000 (Germany)
- 4. Jazmin Yom Tov - Bojengel - 64.882 (Hungary)
- 4. Benjamin Ebeling - Illuster van de Kampert - 64.882 (USA)
- 6. Alexa Fairchild - Romy - 64.382 (Belgium)
- 7. Lore Vandeborne - Ikke-Pia V/D Bergerhoeve - 61.618 (Belgium)
Under 25 - Short Grand Prix
Judges: Lopes, Wust, Halsall, Max-Theurer, Osinski
- 1. Jessica Krieg - Special Edition - 66.103 (Germany)
- 2. Jazmin Yom Tov - Hexagon's Zodinde - 65.692 (Hungary)
- 3. Alexa Fairchild - Romy - 65.462 (Belgium)
- 4. Jessica Krieg - Sergio Leone- 64.538 (Germany)
- 5. Jazmin Yom Tov - Bojengel - 63.641 (Hungary)
- 6. Lore Vandeborne - Ikke-Pia V/D Bergerhoeve - 62.795 (Belgium)
- Benjamin Ebeling - Illuster van de Kampert - RET (USA)
Amateurs - Almased - Intermediaire II
Judges: Maknami, Lopes; Max-Theurer
- 1. Patricia Koschel - Leuchtfeuer de - 67.696 (Germany)
- 2. Uta Grosserichter - Diorisimmo - 66.667 (Germany)
- 3. Alexandra Hidien - Dancing Dynamit D - 64.069 (Luxembourg)
- 4. Dorte Pack - Dream Box - 63.824 (Germany)
- 5. Ellen Trouille - Captain Fleurop - 63.725 (Germany)
- 6. Anni Rossy - Chili Bang Bang - 60.882 (Luxembourg)
Amateurs - Almased - Grand Prix
- 1. Dorte Pack - Dream Box - 67.029 (Germany)
- 2. Patricia Koschel - Leuchtfeuer - 65.688 (Germany)
- 3. Ellen Trouille - Captain Fleurop - 65.217 (Germany)
- 4. Alexandra Hidien - Dancing Dynamit D - 63.696 (Luxembourg)
- 5. Uta Grosserichter - Diorisimmo- 62.717 (Germany)
- 6. Anni Rossy - Chili Bang Bang - 58.007 (Luxembourg)
Grand Prix for Special
Judges: Ebert, Maknami, Eisenhardt, Halsall, Baarup
- 1. 1 USA 17:20 Adrienne Lyle - Salvino - 77.152 (USA)
- 2 USA 17:11 Steffen Peters - Suppenkasper - 75.087 (USA)
- 3 LUX 17:37 Nicolas Wagner - Quater Back Junior - 72.000 (Luxembourg)
- 4 AUS 15:48 Mary Hanna - Calanta - 70.522 (Australia)
- 5 POR 16:22 Duarte Nogueira - Beirao - 70.000 (Portugal)
- 6 ISR 14:42 Eyal Zlatin - Bonzanjo - 68.935 (Israel)
- 7 NED 14:00 Saskia van Es - Elastico - 67.891 (Holland)
- 8 GER 16:46 Franziska Stieglmaier - Dauphin - 67.500 (Germany)
- 9 POR 17:03 Miguel Ralão Duarte - Xenofonte d'Atela - 67.261 (Portugal)
- 10 BEL 17:28 Simon Missiaen - Charlie - 67.065 (Belgium)
- 11 BEL 14:34 Charlotte Defalque - Botticelli - 67.022 (Belgium)
- 12 USA 14:08 Susan Dutta - Don Design - 66.870 (USA)
- 13 POR 16:54 Boaventura Freire - Sai Baba - 66.804 (Portugal)
- 14 NED 14:17 Nars Gottmer - Cash - 66.087 (Holland)
- 15 GER 15:57 Nadine Capellmann - Forpost - 65.739 (Germany)
- 16 MAS 16:05 Qabil Ambak - Delatio - 65.674 (Malaysia)
- 17 ISR 15:40 Micah Deligdish - Destiny - 65.543 (Israel)
- 18 ITA 15:31 Nausicaa Maroni - Embajador SG - 65.217 (Italy)
- 19 AUS 14:59 Warwick Mclean - Sir Heinrich M - 63.957 (Australia)
- 20 NED 14:51 Karen Nijvelt - Darwin - 63.652 (Holland)
- 21 JPN 15:23 Masanao Takahashi - Eaton - 63.239 (Japan)
- 22 RSA 16:14 Laurienne Dittmann - Don Weltino K - 61.978 (South Africa)
- 23 ARM 14:25 Carrie Schopf - Saumur - ELI (Armenia)
Grand Prix Special
Judges: Maknami; Osinski, Saleh, Ebert, Baarup
- 1. Adrienne Lyle - Salvino - 77.468 (USA)
- 2. Steffen Peters - Suppenkasper - 76.277 (USA)
- 3. Duarte Nogueira - Beirao - 68.915 (Portugal)
- 4. Franziska Stieglmaier - Dauphin - 68.851 (Germany)
- 5. Saskia van Es - Elastico - 68.532 (Holland)
- 6. Eyal Zlatin - Bonzanjo - 68.511 (Israel)
- 7. Charlotte Defalque - Botticelli - 68.404 (Belgium)
- 8. Boaventura Freire - Sai Baba - 67.489 (Portugal)
- 9. Nars Gottmer - Cash - 67.170 (Holland)
- 10. Miguel Ralão Duarte - Xenofonte d'Atela - 66.894 (Portugal)
- 11. Nicolas Wagner - Quater Back Junior - 66.234 (Luxembourg)
- 12. Simon Missiaen - Charlie - 65.745 (Belgium)
- 13. Susan Dutta - Don Design - 65.404 (USA)
- 14. Nadine Capellmann - Forpost - 61.979 (Germany)
- Mary Hanna - Calanta - ELI (Australia)
Grand Prix for Kur
Judges: Ebert, Osinski, Max-Theurer, Halsall, Wust
- 1. Adrienne Lyle - Harmony's Duval - 73.022 (USA)
- 2. Sascha Schulz - Dragao - 69.522 (Luxembourg)
- 3. Terhi Stegars - Thai Pee - 69.130 (Finland)
- 4. Mary Hanna - Syriana - 68.913 (Australia)
- 5. Uwe Schwanz - Hermes - 68.587 (Germany)
- 6. Juan Matute Guimon - Don Diego - 68.000 (Spain)
- 7. Joanne Vaughan - Elmegardens Marquis - 66.370 (Georgia)
- 8. Nars Gottmer - Dicaprio Swing - 66.217 (Holland)
- 9. Fie Skarsoe - So Dark - 65.783 (Luxembourg)
- 10. Nicole Vazquez Kremer - Wonder - 64.804 (Spain)
- 11. Isabel Cool - Constand - 64.326 (Belgium)
- 12. Roberto Brenna - Dorina - 63.957 (Italy)
- 13. Tatiana Antonenco - Tavares - 62.957 (Moldova)
Grand Prix Kur to Music
Judges: Baarup, Ebert, Halsall, Eisenhardt, Osinski
- 1. Sascha Schulz - Dragao - 74.680 (Luxembourg)
- 2. Uwe Schwanz - Hermes - 74.135 (Germany)
- 3. Terhi Stegars - Thai Pee - 72.865 (Finland)
- 4. Juan Matute Guimon - Don Diego - 72.530 (Spain)
- 5. Nicole Vazquez Kremer - Wonder - 71.815 (Spain)
- 6. Fie Skarsoe - So Dark - 70.450 (Luxembourg)
- 7. Nars Gottmer - Dicaprio Swing - 69.635 (Holland)
- 8. Mary Hanna - Syriana - 68.425 (Australia)
- 9. Isabel Cool - Constand - 67.945 (Belgium)
- 10. Roberto Brenna - Dorina - 67.905 (Italy)
- 11. Tatiana Antonenco - Tavares - 66.845 (Moldova)
- 12. Joanne Vaughan - Elmegardens Marquis - RET (Georgia)