Oberyn Red Viper ZL (by Blue Hors Romanov x Sir Sinclair) became the dressage price highlight of the 2019 Borculo Foal Auction on 29 August 2019.
The Borculo foal auction was held over two days with the jumper foals being auctioned on the first day and the dressage foals on the second.
Bred by Coen Kerbert, the colt Oberyn Red Viper ZL sold for 56,000 euro to investor Jan Pieter Dalsem through horse dealer Eugene Reesink. The colt's dam Zolena sold at the Borculo Elite Foal Auction fifteen years ago.
The colt Orlando (Blue Hors Kingston x Apache) sold for 36,000 euro, while filly Olivia Marein E (b y Blue Hors Zackerey x Charmeur) switched owners for 22,000 euro.
Filly Olivia JS (by Glamourdale x Godfather) sold for 19,000 euro, Odelia (by Daily Diamond x Ampere) went for 15,000 euro and Ofay Texel (by Ferdinand x Jazz) sold for 13,000 euro.
The Belgian bred Orangini van de Nethe (by Vitalis x Bordeaux) found a new owner for 17,000 euro. Colt Orsom de Jeu (by H-Ekwador x Voice) sold for 15,000 euro and colt Once in a Lifetime (by Bernay x Uphill) fetched 14,000 euro
Five were sold to Germany. Other foals went into the hands of buyers from Denmark, Great Britain and Belgium.
Borculo offered the new feature of bidding online. Australian clients took the opportunity to make their real-time online bid. This novelty led to a winning bid on four foals, including filly Olivita O (by Fontaine TN x Bordeaux) which sold for € 14,000.
The average price for a foal at the 2019 Borculo auction was 10,500 euro.
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