In corona times we are all ordered to stay at home, self quarantine, and do social distancing. With more time on your hands to spend online, Eurodressage launches a "Hit & Run" interview series so that you get to know the world's most famous dressage riders and personalities more closely.
South African Grand Prix rider Tanya Seymour has been spearheading the South African effort at international level. She represented her home country as an individual at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio and rode on the South African team at the 2014 World Equestrian Games. With her Grand Prix horse Ramoneur, she most recently went to the 2019 World Cup Finals in Gothenburg. Seymour is based in Germany.
Hit & Run - Tanya Seymour
What is your earliest memory?
I have some amazing memories growing up in the African bush and the wildlife and i remember sitting infront of my mom in the saddle riding when I was a baby.
Which person alive do you admire the most and why?
My parents for working so hard to always give me the best opportunities and support me in every way.
When were you the happiest?
Other than eating chocolate mousse last night...representing my country at the Olympics
What is your biggest fear?
Not having my family around me anymore.
What was your first thought today?
I can't wait to get to the stable and start training all my horses.
What is your most annoying character trait?
Can't think of one, hopefully that's a good thing
Which trait do you dislike the most in other people?
Dishonesty and two faced people.
What is your dearest possession?
Ramoneur, my horse of 11 years
If you look into the future, what do you see?
I try to always think positive, and I hope to see a barn full of amazing horses and success and be surrounded by family and friends.
What makes you unhappy?
Being so far away from my family. They live in Australia
What is the love of your life?
Training and competing horses and spending time with family, and of course food
What was the best choice you ever took in life?
Making my hobby into my profession
What's your guilty pleasure?
Dessert and chocolate
What do you owe your parents?
Everything. They have always been there for me and supported me every step of the way.
Who can sit next to you at your dream dinner table?
Friends and family
What was the worst job you ever did?
There were certainly some hard ones but I learnt something from each one.. so no regrets
What was your biggest disappointment in life?
Probably this year with the cancellation of the World Cup Finals and Tokyo olympics. I was hoping to compete Ramoneur and retire him after Tokyo.
What would you change if you can go back into the past?
Nothing, I wouldn't be where I am today. No matter the good or bad I ended up where I am now.
Name one thing that would improve your quality of life?
Being closer to loved ones
What is your biggest achievement?
Representing my country at the 2016 Olympics
What is the most important life lesson you have learnt?
Never give up and always dream big.
Where would you like to be right now?
On safari in Africa.. I could never loose my love for Africa, it's in my bones
What's your favourite scent?
Which character would you dress up in for Halloween?
Can't say I've ever dressed up for Halloween.
To whom would you like to say sorry?
No one I can think of, I never leave things without closure.
What does love feel like for you?
Pure happiness and a sense of peace.
When are you most relaxed?
At home curled up in bed or on the sofa watching a good film
What super power would you like to have?
To live forever.. there is so much I want to do and see.. and death scares me.
When did you last cry, and why?
I tend not to cry a lot, I've had some tough times but learnt that's just life, there's no point crying about it, just accept it and try make the best out of it and think positive.
When were you closest to death?
I've had quite a few, a bad fall from a horse where I hit my head and broke my back.
How do you want to be remembered?
As a kind, honest, caring and loving person and a great trainer and rider.
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