Corona Times: Hit & Run with Adrienne Lyle

Wed, 04/15/2020 - 20:14
Hit & Run
Adrienne Lyle at the horse inspection at the 2020 CDI 5* Wellington :: Photo © Astrid Appels

In corona times we are all ordered to stay at home, self quarantine, and do social distancing. With more time on your hands to spend online, Eurodressage launches a "Hit & Run" interview series so that you get to know the world's most famous dressage riders and personalities more closely. 

American Grand Prix rider Adrienne Lyle was the 2008 U.S. Under 25 Champion and first represented her country at the 2012 London Olympic Games on Wizard. She went on to ride on the U.S. team at the 2014 and 2018 World Equestrian Games and 2019 World Cup Finals. Sponsored by Betsy Juliano on the stallion Salvino, Lyle is a strong contender for a U.S. team spot at the Tokyo Olympic Games.

Hit & Run - Adrienne Lyle

What is your earliest memory? 

My brother pushing me off the porch of our farm house.  (No harm intended from him)

Which person alive do you admire the most and why?

My mother because she is the most selfless, kind, and compassionate person I know.

When were you the happiest?

My childhood, growing up on our farm on Whidbey Island.

What is your biggest fear?

Not experiencing every adventure I want to in my life.

What was your first thought today?

How many more times can I push “snooze” and still make it to the barn on time.

What is your most annoying character trait?

 I can get tunnel vision when I’m focused on something. 

Which trait do you dislike the most in other people?


What is your dearest possession?

Not a possession, but my family and friends are my most cherished things. 

If you look into the future, what do you see?

Hopefully many more years of developing young horses up the levels. I love the journey.

What makes you unhappy?

People who only think about what is best for themselves and not for others.

What is the love of your life?

My fiancé David (Da Silva)

What was the best choice you ever took in life?

To uproot my life, stop everything I was doing, and move to Idaho when I was offered the chance to work for Debbie McDonald.

What's your guilty pleasure?

Lemon drop martinis 

What do you owe your parents?

Everything.  I am especially thankful to them for instilling a strong work ethic and an outlook of gratitude on life.

Who can sit next to you at your dream dinner table?

Bill Gates and Jerry Garcia

What was the worst job you ever did?

I’ve only ever worked with horses, so I’ve liked all my jobs.

What was your biggest disappointment in life?

I don’t believe in disappointments.. they are just chances to learn or change your path in life. However, having to leave beautiful River Grove Farm in Idaho was hard for us all, but it opened up other great doors along on my path and the journey continues.

What would you change if you can go back into the past?

Nothing. I believe the universe has everything happen for a reason. 

Name one thing that would improve your quality of life?

Perhaps slowing down my schedule a bit.

What is your biggest achievement?

Getting to represent my country at the Olympics and World Equestrian Games.

What is the most important life lesson you have learnt?

Be grateful for what you have and learn to enjoy the present moment. 

Where would you like to be right now? 

In the mountains, camping. 

What's your favourite scent?

Fresh cut hay

Which character would you dress up in for Halloween?

Janis Joplin

To whom would you like to say sorry?

Probably to all the patient horses I learned to ride on and made many mistakes on

What does love feel like for you?

When seeing someone else be happy is the greatest happiness you can feel. 

When are you most relaxed?

When I'm in nature

What super power would you like to have?

Teleporting.... with my horses, of course.

When did you last cry, and why?

I try not to cry

When were you closest to death?

Lots of times in my childhood probably... we were fairly wild on our ponies on the farm!

How do you want to be remembered?

As a kind person with an adventurous spirit.

Related Links
Lyle and Salvino Make it a Double at 2020 CDI Palm Beach Derby
Adrienne Lyle Strives to Push Herself, Grow and Become Better
Lyle Recovers to Take GP Special 5* Win at 2018 CDI Wellington
Kasey Perry-Glass, Kaitlin Blythe and Adrienne Lyle Win 2017 U.S. Dressage Championships
U.S. Olympian Adrienne Lyle and Wizard Return to the Show Ring After One Year Break
The Return of Adrienne Lyle
Adrienne Lyle Wins 2008 American “Brentina Cup” Championship