Danish Grand Prix rider Thomas Dolleris Larsen continues to struggle from the brain hemorrhage he suffered on 17 May 2020. While small steps of progress have been made, his condition is still precarious.
The 48-year old suffered from a brain bleed a few years ago and on 17 May collapsed from a second one. He underwent surgery to repair an arteriovenous malformation that was detected in his brain and has been in a medically induced coma until the first week of June.
However, Dolleris' condition is still fragile as he struggles with the consequences of the brain bleed.
"It's going slowly with Thomas and he's now waiting for more operations," said his wife Anemette Holm Petersen. "The plan is to insert an internal drain which would be brought down permanently to his stomach. He cannot drain the brain fluid by himself and needs help with this. Thomas also deals with several infections and gets antibiotics for them. They can't operate on him until this is under control."
His brain bleed and intubation has led to many complications, but Anemette explains small steps of progress are being made.
"It's going well with getting him off the respirator and I hope he can get rid of it soon," said Anemette. "Thomas is awake during the day and can get up and sit in a chair. He has begun to "respond" by blinking to us and has also moved his right leg. He starts to move his mouth, but cannot talk due to the trauma. I'm so happy to see little signs and I hope more will come, but it will take a long time."
Photo © Ridehesten
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