The top KWPN broodmare Orleans, dam to international Grand Prix stallion Governor and European Under 25 Champion TC Athene, has passed away on 21 May 2021. She was 25 years old.
Orleans was by Jazz out of Fidora (by Ulft x Roemer). She was the full sister to Adelinde Cornelissen's Olympic medal winner Parzival.
Originally owned by Jan Streppel and the Beijer family, Orleans was the foundation mare of Streppel's breeding project, alongside Toulouse.
Orleans produced no less than 18 foals in her life with Adelinde Cornelissen's international Grand Prix ride and licensed stallion Governor (by Totilas), as well as Jeanine Nieuwenhuis European Young Riders' and Under 25 Champion TC Athene (by United) as her most famous offspring.
The Elite Preferent "prestatie" mare sold Stephan Haarman of broodfarm Beltmanshoeve in Wilp, The Netherlands, but stayed with Streppel.
The last four years she gave more foals through embryotransfer, including the licensed colt Mascotte STRH (by Toto Jr).
Haarman retained grand daughter Novalaise STRH (by Dream Boy) and Edelweiss STR (by Zhivago) for his own breeding programme.
"We are truly grateful for the beautiful foals Orleans has given us," said Stephan. "Especially through Governor she stamped our current dressage breeding programme. Together with Toulouse she was the cream of the crop for Jan Streppel and he took care of them both in such a great way till the end."
Sad Passing
Orleans most likely died of an aortic rupture.
"She was still fit till the very last day and was in the field together with two young horses, enjoying her retirement," said Haarman. "This morning Jan saw her collapse. We will never forget her."
Related Links
Jan Streppel, KWPN Breeder of the Year 2020
Toulouse Passed Away