The Portuguese Equestrian Federation (FEP) has announced the team that will represent Portugal at the 2021 Olympic Games in Tokyo on 22 - 28 July 2021.
Portugal unlocked a historic team ticket for the Olympics based on its performances at the 2019 European Dressage Championships in Rotterdam.
Based on the results achieved this 2021 show season, FEP has nominated the following riders on the team
- Joao Torrao - Equador
- Maria Caetano - Fenix de Tineo
- Rodrigo Torres - Fogoso
The first reserve is Carlos Pinto with Sultao Menezes; the second reserve is Vasco Mira Godinho on Garrett.
"Because of the constant and very difficult challenges that we are facing daily (covid19, equine herpesvirus, injuries, etc.), the FEP has decided to nominate a second reserve, which will join the others in the preparation plan for the Olympics, so that FEP is better prepared to face any changes that may occur in the period between the nomination and the beginning of the quarantine, which precedes the departure to Tokyo," FEP communicated.
Photo © Astrid Appels
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