It's three more days to go before the bidding opens of the 2021 Van Olst Sales online auction of ridden sport horses horses. Make your appointment this week to view and test ride your next future dressage start at Van Olst Horses in Den Hout, The Netherlands.
Seventeen beautifully bred young dressage horses, sired by Van Olst stallions, including World Young horse champion Glamourdale and Grand Prix horse producer Negro, are included in the collection. All horses are carefully trained by the team riders of Van Olst Horses, including British Olympian Charlotte Fry.
Bidding opens on 29 October and closes on 1 November 2021.
Horses for Everyone's Wishes
The auction includes a diverse collection of 3-year old, recently saddle broken youngsters up to a 7-year old showing talent for Grand Prix.
Catalog nr 4, Depay is a 4-year old NRPS licensed stallion by Don Joe x Hohenstein x Dream of Glory. This 4 year old black eye-catcher has everything to become a top dressage horse. He is well developed with a distinguished front and great movements.
Catalog nr 7, Mauritz is a 4-year old KWPN gelding by Inspire x Don Renoir x Brentano II. Mauritz is a very striking appearance in the arena due to his size, front and striking markings. Under the saddle, his cooperative character stands out, in combination with three excellent gaits. His sire Inspire comes out of the first crop of the Olympic stallion Everdale and has since competed successfully in the small Tour
Catalog nr 11, Pinot Noir, is a gorgeous 3-year old KWPN stallion by Painted Black x Chippendale x Sandro Hit. His dam Honey D'Or competed at ZZ zwaar level. Pinot Noir is approved by the NRPS for breeding and has successfully completed his first saddle presentation.
Try-Outs and Biddings
All horses have been fully vet checked. If you are interested in one of the horses from the Van Olst Sales Online collection and would like to receive the X-rays with the clinical report, please send an email with the horse's name and your details to: info@vanolstsales.online.
The bidding starts on 29 October 2021 at 12h00 and closes on 1 November 2021 at 20h00.
Bidding is easy, all you have to do is register here.
Location and Contact Info
Van Olst Sales
Terheijdensspoor 9
4911 BW Den Hout (NB)
+31 162 429360