Marc Boblet's Tamino Allocated to Jessica von Bredow-Werndl

Sat, 02/19/2022 - 07:38
Tamino at the horse inspection at the 2021 CDIO Compiègne :: Photo © Astrid Appels

Former French Grand Prix team rider Marc Boblet saw his small tour horse Tamino move to the stables of Jessica von Bredow-Werndl in Germany.

Tamino is an 8-year old Oldenburg gelding by Tomahawk out of Weissella (by Florencio x Donatelli x Aktuell). He is bred by Helmut Osterkamp.

He was first competed as a 3-year old in Germany by Tatjana Kaiser. Professional Andrea Müller-Kersten rode him at the 2017 Oldenburg Young Horse Championships in Rastede. 

Move to France

He sold to French Guillaume Samson.  Tamino made his show debut in France as a 5-year old at the national show in Macon in March 2019 and competed in the 5-year old classes that year. 

Under Marc Boblet, the dark bay had his international show debut at small tour level at age 7 in May 2021. The duo competed at the CDIO Compiegne, where they were 8th in the Prix St Georges (68.676%) and 6th in the Intermediaire I (68.647%). Boblet then took the young small tour horse to Germany to ride in the Nurnberger Burgpokal qualifier in Elmlohe in August; followed by the one in Schenefeld in October.

To Germany with Jessica

A few weeks ago, Samson allocated the ride on Tamino to Olympic champion Jessica von Bredow-Werndl.

Jessica announced the news on her Instagram account and announced the arrival of the horse as if he was presenting himself. 

"Slowly I'm really starting to find my way around here and I'm really blossoming. I really enjoy working with everyone here because there is such a cool atmosphere in the arenas. I also like to put in a lot of effort because Jessi says that she really believes in me and that I can achieve a lot. I am ready for small Tour, but this year I would like to develop towards Grand Prix. The girls say I'm a pretty little eye-catcher.  love to cuddle! Even when I'm sleeping (and I like to do a lot ). Every time someone walks by my box I have to say hello and greet everyone."

Photo © Astrid Appels

Related Link
Scores: 2021 CDIO Compiègne