Five candidates have officially put forward their candidacy for the seat on the FEI Dressage Committee, which Russian judge Irina Maknami is vacating as her four-year term is up.
Two Positions up for Renewal
The candidates are four judges - Trond Asmyr (NOR), Minako Furuoka (JPN), Frederico Pinteus (POR), Gary Rockwell (USA) - and one athlete: Diana al Shaer (PLE).
Beatriz Ferrer-Salat's (ESP) position as FEI Athletes Representative is also up for renewal, but this position is the only one that goes by democratic vote and only one candidate expressed interest for it, Yvonne Losos de Muniz (DOM).
The DC is constituted by a Chair (Maribel Alonso - MEX), deputy chair (Irina Maknami - RUS), the FEI Athletes Representative (Beatriz Ferrer-Salat - ESP), a show organizers' representative (Patrik Kittel - SWE), as well as by members (Monica Theodorescu - GER) and (Peter Storr - GBR) who represent their national federations.
In the past the FEI Dressage Task Force recommended to have one member on the DC per stakeholders groups, including Trainers (IDTC) and Judges (IDOC).. Theodorescu's and Storr's seat still seem to represent that old representation on the current DC. Only the athletes and the show organizers are entitled to a seat on the dressage committee as an official representative of their stakeholders group, the other seats are allocated by National Federation (geography). In most recent years many of those have been filled by judges.
Recruitment for these National Federation seats on the FEI Dressage Committee are usually obtained by lobbying with the Dressage Committee itself, as they make a unanimous recommendation to the FEI Board, who ratifies the position at the annual General Assembly, this year on 10 November 2022.
Frederico Pinteus
Although not officially confirmed, Portuguese judge and national dressage committee member Frederico Pinteus seems to have received the vote of confidence from the current FEI Dressage Committee.
The 47-year old Pinteus is from Sintra, Portugal, and a lawyer by profession.
Photo © Astrid Appels
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