With the penultimate World Cup qualifier coming up for North American league ranking points, the 2023 CDI-W Wellington on 9 - 12 February 2023 is bringing out America's best.
Top contenders for a ticket to the Finals in Omaha, Adrienne Lyle and Salvino, unfortunately had to withdraw on Wednesday 8 February after a colic scare.
Colic Episode
Lyle issued a statement on her social media, explaining her sudden withdrawal
"Unfortunately we have to withdraw Salvino from this week's CDI-W competition. He is doing ok now but had a colic episode and we don't want to push him to go today. His welfare is always our top priority. So we will be packing up our tackroom set up and heading home, but we wish the best of luck to all the other competitors and will be there to cheer them on."
In the absence of Sabine Schut-Kery, who hasn't competed Sanceo since the Olympic Games in Tokyo in July 2021, Adrienne Lyle and Salvino are America's highest scoring combination at the moment.
The 16-year old Hanoverian stallion (by Sandro Hit x Donnerhall) was sourced by Jochen Arl in Spain and sold to a syndicate led by Akiko Yamazaki as a new hopeful for Adrienne Lyle in the spring of 2015. At the start of 2018 Betsy Juliano obtained full ownership of the stallion. The pair won team silver at the 2018 World Equestrian Games and 2021 Olympics. At last summer's 2022 World Championships, team U.S.A was sixth and individually Salvino finished 6th in the freestyle.
North American League
League World Cup ranking
(Photo © Terri Miller)
At the moment Steffen Peters and Akiko Yamazaki's Suppenkasper (by Spielberg x Krack C) are ranked first with 60 points, followed by Alice Tarjan (57 pts), Sarah Tubman (52 pts), and Californians Anna Buffini (51 pts) and Claire Darnell (42 pts).
The last North American League World Cup qualifier is the Palm Beach Derby on 2 - 5 March 2023.
Photos © Astrid Appels - Terri Miller
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