Dream Horses are Looking for New Owners in 11th North German Dressage Elite Sales in Switzerland

Mon, 04/24/2023 - 09:23
North German Dressage Elite Sales Days
The approved stallion Zubito, a spitting image of his sire Zoom, is one of the highlights of this year's VNDE collection

The 11th North German Dressage Elite Sales will be held from 3 to 7 May 2023 as part of the Dressage Days in Turbenthal near Zurich. There will be a top-class lot of carefully selected dressage horses on offer.

They bear fine-sounding names such as Braveheart, Life is Life, Don Maranello, Fürst Noir or Zazooma and they have one thing in common: they are all young, talented, and well-ridden dressage horses from the north of Germany with first-class pedigrees.

Promising Horses for Fair Prices

"Our collection this year includes about a dozen promising horses for professional show riders and ambitious amateurs at fair prices," says Theres Meier, who is organizing the North German Dressage Elite Sales Days for the eleventh time with north german breeders Ingo Pape and Mathieu Beckmann.

The dressage horses, of various ages and levels of training, are mainly home-bred or reared, and have been carefully selected for character, talent, rideability and health, and have been vet-checked.

Sales Presentation

The pitch black Fürst Noir (Fürst Samarant x Don Index
x Rascalino) is a very special young horse with exceptional
movement dynamics and high rideability scores.
On Wednesday, May 3, around 5 p.m. and on Friday, May 5, after the Grand Prix, there will be sales presentations with live commentary by Ingo Pape.

Following these presentations, as well as on all other days (by appointment with Theres Meier), the horses can be tried out.

The horse collection with video and photos can be found on the website www.vnde.ch.

For more information, visit www.vnde.ch and contact Theres Meier, phone 079 628 93 40.

Six-year-old Ecclestone (Escolar x Stedinger x Concetto I ) presents himself as an expressive athlete with charm, movement qualities and all the possibilities that make a great dressage horse.
Zazooma (Zoom x De Niro x Dalheim), born in 2019, is an extremely likeable dressage prospect with the title of state premium mare.