When double Paralympic silver medal winner and current individual World champion Rihards Snikus stopped in the middle of his ride that was superior until this point, the audience held their breath. Pointing with his index finger in the air, he was looking for the way to yet another gold medal.
The first of three classes of Grade I at the European Para Dressage Championships in Riesenbeck in the northwest of Germany, the individual class on Tuesday, the 5th September 2023, turned out to be a thriller.
In a field of 14 riders of 13 different nations contested for the first of two sets of possible individual medals in sweltering heat, with a late summer heatwave having hit Germany the weekend before after some rather cold and rainy days.
Luckily at Ludger Beerbaum’s superlative facility a huge indoor arena just opposite the competition arena offered a significantly cooler preparation of horse and rider for the few minutes spent in the unrelenting sun outside.
It would also be the place to hide from the burning sunshine and cool down as much as possible for officials, grooms, journalists and photographers whenever the opportunity arose.
class, Nautika served Eros as 'friendly horse'.
Talk about sportsmanship
The whole class in Grade I is ridden in medium walk and includes different riding figures like voltes, a serpentine, half circles and a gradual stretch of the horse. There are three halts within the individual test of which one has to be shown with 5 seconds of immobility, something which seems an absolute impossibility of way too many highly trained Grand Prix horses!
In Riesenbeck Grade I was judged by German Elke Ebert who also judges much at CDI level, Eva Andersson from Sweden, Sarah Leitch from Great Britain, French Anne Prain and Dutch Ineke Jansen. It might be quite surprising to hear that these five judges in their scoring had four different winners and occasionally differed quite a lot in the percentage they awarded.
The still only 28-year-old is already a two-time Paralympian and had enjoyed a pretty successful outdoor season in the lead-up to Riesenbeck, with high placings and wins at international shows in Germany, Austria and Hungary. Her 11-year-old Hanoverian Heinrich (by Heinrich Heine x De Niro) certainly did not disappoint with showing an obedient performance and no major mistakes, Julia seemed to play it safe and did not risk all. Also the sparkle and expression in his walk which Heinrich had shown at the CPEDI in Mannheim in early May could not be reproduced to the same extent on that particular day. So with 72.208% not yet a medal for this sympathetic combination from Carinthia, but with a 6th place still their best placing at a European Championships to that date.
Italy’s Sara Morganti, the most highly decorated Para-dressage rider in the history of her country, brought the tall and big framed Belgian mare Mariebelle (by Lissaro van de Helle x Lys de Damen) in an attempt to add another medal to her already impressive collection. The 11-year-old mare is no newcomer to the international scene, having been Sara’s back-up for Tokyo 2021, but so far the 47-year-old from Pisa had ridden her incredible mare Rhinelander Royal Delight (by Royaldik) since the London 2012 Paralympics who is a different type of horse.
However, we all know that sometimes the difference between madness and genius in a horse is a thin line and the Italian had to suffer one of exactly those days. Deciding something towards the judges’ boxes on the short side was very spooky, Mariebelle made no secret of it. Her petite rider who is coached by Alessandro Benedetti and Italian national coach Laura Conz, then gave then a masterclass how to handle such situation and give the horse her confidence back. Although the tension resulting from the beginning of their ride did not disappear throughout the five minutes in the ring, Morganti bravely battled through the figures, containing her mare in the most sensitive way.
With 67.125% they stayed way below their possibilities, ending in 11th place, but Sara Morganti gave a brilliant example for all able bodied riders who think to solve similar situations through pressure and strength which is all the often the case, but just adds to the tension.
As the only country with two Grade I riders, Italy then earned a top placing through 20-year-young Carola Semperboni who showed a ride of remarkable fluency on the oldest horse in the field. At 18, Paul, the brown Westfalian by Poland x Focus, helped his rider to a 5th place.
Benzinger rode with a very consistent and smooth contact throughout her ride and it is probably not surprising that her pink nosed mare is not in need of a tight noseband, but like quite a few Grade I horses wears a really loose one which is more for decoration than any (in that case dispensable) function.
With 74.833% the dynamic duo from the east of Germany took the lead and when they remained there after the ride of Herning bronze medalist Michael Murphy from Ireland with the tallest horse of the class, the former Grand Prix mount Cleverboy (by Vivaldi-Kennedy), the longed for medal became real. The petite Murphy and the huge Cleverboy might be a contrasting pair, but the more impressive is the harmony and ease in which both perform.
in the middle of the individual test
"I was very shocked that I made an ‘error of course’ as that has never happened to me before," said Snikus at the end of the test. "I think King of the Dance was also a little confused and it took us a few movements to get back into the zone after that, but then we were back and focused and made a strong finish."
Strong Beau was truly on a mission from the moment the slightly chubby flea bitten grey entered the para stadium. Perhaps not blessed with the same huge walk horses like King or Cleverboy own, he made more than up for it with his fluency, correctness and beautiful contact in which he went from the beginning to the end, always looking happy and relaxed in his work. With 74.583% they took a very well deserved bronze which was wildly cheered by the big British support team in Riesenbeck.
Grade I Riders and Their Team Championship Effort
Grade I continued at the Europeans on Thursday 8 September 2023, with the team test which not only counted for the riders’ teams, but only served as the second qualification for the freestyle finals on Saturday on which riders are going to contest for another set of individual medals.
Sara Morganti and Mariebelle turned the tables after a disappointing start in the individual competition and showed their full potential to the finest. 4 of 5 judges put them not only in first position, but the Italian pair got a whopping score of 78.250 % which not even the freshly crowned European champion Rihards Snikus and King of the Dance could achieve. With 77.583% the Latvian duo came 2nd this time, followed by Ireland’s young Michael Murphy and Cleverboy in 3rd position this time, contributing 75,792% to an Irish team result.
The bronze medal winners from two days ago, Gabby Blake and Strong Beau, confirmed their good form with a fifth place and 74,417% for Britain.
The team class confirmed the impression from the individual class that several pairs are in for medals and because of that the day form becomes decisive, making the sport exciting for all involved.
Text and Photos © Silke Rottermann for Eurodressage (this article expresses Silke Rottermann’s eye-witness account and opinion about the competition).
Related Links
Scores: 2023 European Para Dressage Championships
Eurodressage Coverage of the 2023 European Dressage and Para Dressage Championships