Eurodressage coverage of the 2023 Pan American Games
Prix St Georges / Grand Prix - Team Competition
====> PAY ATTENTION - PAN AM Format: Grand Prix scores get 3% added on top of their actual total score as a coefficient, so the real Grand Prix score is - 3%
Judges: Osinski, Torrente, Whitham, Ringmark, Lopes
- 1. João Victor Marcari - Feel Good VO - Grand Prix - 76.478 (Brazil)
- 2. Sarah Tubman - First Apple - Grand Prix - 76.065 (USA)
- 3. Renderson Silva De Oliveira - Fogoso Campline - Grand Prix - 75.304 (Brazil)
- 4. Anna Marek - Fire Fly - Grand Prix - 74.891 (USA)
- 5. Julio Mendoza Loor. - Jewel's Goldstrike - Grand Prix - 73.935 (Ecuador)
- 6. Christian Simonson - Son Of A Lady - Prix St-Georges - 73.382 (USA)
- 7. Codi Harrison - Katholt's Bossco - Grand Prix - 73.305 (USA)
- 8. Svenja Grimm - Doctor Rossi - Grand Prix - 73.217 (Chile)
- 9. Naima Moreira Laliberte. - Statesman - Grand Prix - 72.739 (Canada)
- 10. Yvonne Losos De Muñiz - Aquamarijn - Grand Prix - 72.326 (Dominican Republic)
- 11. Beatrice Boucher - Summerwood's Limei - Prix St-Georges - 71.147 (Canada)
- 12. Mathilde Blais Tetreault - Fedor - Grand Prix - 70.391 (Canada)
- 13. Manuel Rodrigues Tavares - Rosa Belle - Grand Prix - 69.369 (Brazil)
- 14. Carolina Cordoba Wolf - Johnny Cash - Prix St-Georges - 69.059 (Mexico)
- 15. Virginia Yarur - Ronaldo - Grand Prix - 68.674 (Chile)
- 16. Micaela Mabragaña - Bradley Cooper - Grand Prix - 68.130 (Argentina)
- 17. Mario Vargas - Kadiene - Prix St-Georges - 68.029 (Chile)
- 18. Carlos Maldonado Lara. - Frans - Prix St-Georges - 67.823 (Mexico)
- 19. Paulo Cesar Dos Santos - Fidel Da Sasa JE - Grand Prix - 67.804 (Brazil)
- 20. Camille Carier Bergeron - Sound Of Silence - Grand Prix - 67.565 (Canada)
- 21. Carolin Mallmann. - Grison - Grand Prix - 67.196 (Uruguay)
- 22. Patricia Ferrando - Honnaisseur SJ - Grand Prix - 66.956 (Venezuela)
- 23. Gabriel Martin Armando - San Rio - Grand Prix - 66.935 (Argentina)
- 24. Fiorella Mengani - Assirio D'Atela. - Grand Prix - 66.544 (Argentina)
- 25. Maria Jose Granja - Emiliano AP. - Prix St-Georges - 66.294 (Ecuador)
- 26. Juliana Gutierrez Aguilera - Flanissimo - Prix St-Georges - 66.029 (Colombia)
- 27. Marcos Santiago Ortiz Diez - Gentil - Grand Prix - 66.000 (Mexico)
- 28. Maria Alejandra Aponte - Lord of the Dance - Prix St-Georges - 65.882 (Colombia)
- 29. Andrea Vargas - Homerus P - Prix St-Georges - 65.294 (Colombia)
- 30. Stephanie Engstrom Koch - Resperanzo - Prix St-Georges - 65.118 (Dominican Republic)
- 31. Santiago Cardona - Dostojewski - Prix St-Georges - 65.088 (Colombia)
- 32. Maria Ugryumova - Impaciente PH - Grand Prix - 64.978 (Mexico)
- 33. Carlos Fernandez - Heroe XXV - Prix St-Georges - 64.765 (Chile)
- 34. José Ramón Beca Borrego - Darro Do Sobral - Grand Prix - 63.435 (Uruguay)
- 35. Maria Florencia Manfredi - Hands Up Chaparrita Z - Prix St-Georges - 63.353 (Argentina)
- 36. Carolina Espinosa - Findus K - Prix St-Georges - ELI (Ecuador)
Intermediaire I / Grand Prix Special
Judges: Ringmark, Lopes, Osinski, Torrente, Whitham
====> PAY ATTENTION - PAN AM Format: Grand Prix Special scores get 3% added on top of their actual score as a coefficient, so the real Grand Prix Special score is - 3%
- 1. Julio Mendoza Loor - Jewel's Goldstrike - Grand Prix Special - 78.617 (Ecuador)
- 2. João Victor Marcari - Feel Good VO - Grand Prix Special - 78.362 (Brazil)
- 3. Sarah Tubman - First Apple - Grand Prix Special - 76.872 (USA)
- 4. Christian Simonson - Son Of A Lady - Intermediate I - 74.971 (USA)
- 5. Renderson Silva De Oliveira - Fogoso Campline - Grand Prix Special - 74.936 (Brazil)
- 6. Camille Carier Bergeron - Sound Of Silence - Grand Prix Special - 74.511 (Canada)
- 7. Anna Marek - Fire Fly - Grand Prix Special - 74.489 (USA)
- 8. Yvonne Losos De Muñiz - Aquamarijn - Grand Prix Special - 73.277 (Dominican republic)
- 9. Svenja Grimm - Doctor Rossi - Grand Prix Special - 72.340 (Chile)
- 10. Naima Moreira Laliberte - Statesman - Grand Prix Special - 72.021 (Canada)
- 11. Codi Harrison - Katholt's Bossco - Grand Prix Special - 71.957 (USA)
- 12. Mathilde Blais Tetreault - Fedor - Grand Prix Special - 71.128 (Canada)
- 13. Virginia Yarur - Ronaldo - Grand Prix Special - 71.000 (Chile)
- 14. Beatrice Boucher - Summerwood's Limei - Intermediate I - 70.471 (Canada)
- 15. Micaela Mabragaña - Bradley Cooper - Grand Prix Special - 70.447 (Argentina)
- 16. Mario Vargas - Kadiene - Intermediate I - 70.412 (Chile)
- 17. Manuel Rodrigues Tavares - Rosa Belle - Grand Prix Special - 68.894 (Brazil)
- 18. Paulo Cesar Dos Santos - Fidel Da Sasa JE - Grand Prix Special - 68.638 (Brazil)
- 19. Patricia Ferrando - Honnaisseur SJ - Grand Prix Special - 68.553 (Venezuela)
- 20 Gabriel Martin Armando - San Rio - Grand Prix Special - 68.447 (Argentina)
- 21 Carolina Cordoba Wolf - Johnny Cash - Intermediate I - 68.441 (Mexico)
- 22. Maria Ugryumova - Impaciente PH - Grand Prix Special - 67.596 (Mexico)
- 23. Maria Alejandra Aponte - Lord of the Dance - Intermediate I - 67.294 (Colombia)
- 24. Andrea Vargas - Homerus P - Intermediate I - 67.235 (Colombia)
- 25. Carlos Maldonado Lara - Frans - Intermediate I - 66.971 (Mexico)
- 26. Maria Jose Granja - Emiliano AP - Intermediate I - 66.382 (Ecuador)
- 27. Carlos Fernandez - Heroe XXV I - ntermediate I - 66.147 (Chile)
- 28. Juliana Gutierrez Aguilera - Flanissimo - Intermediate I - 66.059 (Colombia)
- 29. Fiorella Mengani - Assirio D Atela - Grand Prix Special - 65.447 (Argentina)
- 30. Santiago Cardona - Dostojewski - Intermediate I - 65.206 (Colombia)
- 31. Maria Florencia Manfredi - Hands Up Chaparrita Z - Intermediate I - 63.529 (Argentina)
- 32. Stephanie Engstrom Koch - Resperanzo - Intermediate I - 62.794 (Dominican Republic)
- 33. Carolin Mallmann - Grison - Grand Prix Special - 62.766 (Uruguay)
- 34. Marcos Santiago Ortiz Diez - Gentil - Grand Prix Special - 62.447 (Mexico)
- 35. José Ramón Beca Borrego - Darro Do Sobral - Grand Prix Special - 60.468 (Uruguay)
Team Competition
scores of the PSG/Inter I + GP / GP Special are added to decide the team ranking
- 1) USA 450.670
- 2) Brazil 443.343
- 3) Canada 431.937
- 4) Chile 423.672
- 5) Argentina 405.950
- 6) Mexico 405.890
- 7) Colombia 397.793
- Ecuador - ELI
Inter I Kur to Music / GP Kur to Music
Judges: Lopes, Osinski, Ringmark, Whitham, Torrente
====> PAY ATTENTION - PAN AM Format: Grand Prix Kur scores get 3% added on top of their actual score as a coefficient, so the real Grand Prix Kur score is - 3%
- 1. Julio Mendoza Loor - Jewel's Goldstrike - Grand Prix - 87.230 (Ecuador)
- 2. João Victor Marcari - Feel Good VO - Grand Prix - 86.160 (Brazil)
- 3. Anna Marek - Fire Fly - Grand Prix - 81.305 (USA)
- 4. Sarah Tubman - First Apple - Grand Prix - 81.155 (USA)
- 5. Renderson Silva De Oliveira - Fogoso Campline - Grand Prix - 80.095 (Brazil)
- 6. Codi Harrison - Katholt's Bossco - Grand Prix - 79.230 (USA)
- 7. Camille Carier Bergeron - Sound Of Silence - Grand Prix - 78.915 (Canada)
- 8. Svenja Grimm - Doctor Rossi - Grand Prix - 78.335 (Chile)
- 9. Yvonne Losos De Muñiz - Aquamarijn - Grand Prix - 77.570 (Domiinican Republic)
- 10. Naima Moreira Laliberte - Statesman - Grand Prix - 77.130 (Canada)
- 11. Patricia Ferrando - Honnaisseur SJ - Grand Prix - 75.255 (Venezuela)
- 12. Mathilde Blais Tetreault - Fedor - Grand Prix - 74.195 (Canada)
- 13. Micaela Mabragaña - Bradley Cooper - Grand Prix - 72.995 (Argentina)
- 14. Maria Ugryumova - Impaciente PH - Grand Prix - 72.565 (Mexico)
- 15. Paulo Cesar Dos Santos - Fidel Da Sasa JE - Grand Prix - 71.175 (Brazil)
- 16. Mario Vargas - Kadiene - Intermediate I - 71.025 (Chile)
- 17. Carolina Cordoba Wolf - Johnny Cash - Intermediate I - 70.945 (Mexico)
- 18. Maria Alejandra Aponte - Lord of the Dance - Intermediate I -70.400 (Colombia)
- 19. Carlos Maldonado Lara - Frans - Intermediate I - 63.905 (Mexico)
Both Manuel Rodrigues Tavares (Rosa Belle - BRA) and Gabriel Armando (San Rio- ARG) were originally listed on the starter's list, but one spot was replaced by Paulo Cesar Dos Santos (Fidel Da Sasa JE - BRA).