Lord Nunes, an internationally competed small tour horse, has sold to Canada in September. He has become the Young Riders' horse for 18-year old Sophia Rokstad.
Lord Nunes is an 11-year old Rhinelander gelding by Lord Loxley out of Uiami (by Jzz x Zeoliet x Saros xx). He is bred by H. Steeghs-Linders.
Licensed Stallion
The bay was licensed as a breeding stallion at the 2014 Hanoverian Stallion Licensig in Verden and later on approved for Westfalia in 2017.
He did his 30-day performance test in 2015 in Schlieckau and scored 8.43 for dressage and 7.20 for show jumping. He totalled 8.03 points. He achieved his full licensed status through sport.
As a breeding stallion, Lord Nunes bred only to few mares. He stood at Ferienhof Stucker for a brief period. He has three daughters registered as broodmare with the German equestrian federation and no licensed sons. Nine of his offspring are registered for sport in Germany.
Sport Career
Lord Nunes' show career began in 2015. He was first shown by Jana Freund and finished fourth at the 2015 Bundeschampionate in Warendorf.
In 2016 Matthias Bouten took over the ride and showed him up to L-level. At the 2016 Bundeschampionate he was 14th in the 4-year old stallion class, at the 2017 Bundeschampionate he finished 12th in the 5-year old finals.
Dong Seon Kim
2021 CDI Wellington
Kim then sent the horse in training with Diederik van Silfhout in The Netherlands. He rode Lord Nunes in his first international show at the 2020 CDI Herning, where they scored 70.706% in the Prix St. Georges and 68.118% in the Intermediaire I.
A year later Lord Nunes returned to the international arena with Kim in Wellington, Florida. The pair competed in four CDI's, winning no less than 7 classes. The horse's last CDI was at the start of april 2021.
Lord Nunes was flown to Korea to be with Kim. They finished 7th in the 2022 Korean Dressage Championships, which are held at small tour level.
In September 2023 Lord Nunes sold to Canadian young rider Sophia Rokstad, who hails from Langley, B.C. Dresssprod first spotted the sale of the horse.
Sophia and mom Stephanie Rokstad are both dressage riders. Sophia began competing at national level in Canada in 2015 with Rays Afire, after which German Riding pony, state premium mare and Bundeschampionate finalist Vanjalie (by Van Heinrich x Jacobspeel's Rocky), took her into the show ring. In 2018 she also competed Magnestar, but pony Vanjalie remained her main competition mount through her junior years and 2023.
Photos © Stefan Lafrentz - Sue Stickle
Related Links
Eurodressage Photo Database: Lord Nunes
Kim Hyeok Wins 2022 Korean Dressage Championship
Kim and Lord Nunes Score Fifth Trophy in Final Week of 2021 Global Dressage Festival
Ferienhof Stucker Horses to Matthias Bouten
Scores: 2017 Bundeschampionate
Scores: 2016 Bundeschampionate
Scores: 2015 Bundeschampionate