Lendon Gray (NY) was elected as the new Chairman of the Board of The Dressage Foundation to begin in January 2024. Lendon first joined TDF’s Board in 2013 and has served as Vice Chairman and President, in addition to serving on numerous committees.
As a competitor, Lendon competed in the 1978 World Championships and the 1980 and 1988 Olympics. Her impressive reputation and coaching abilities are reflected in her training of many international, national, and regional champion riders, both juniors and adults. In addition to longtime involvement with organizations such as TDF, USET, USEF, USDF, and US Pony Club, she founded and is the current Chairman of Dressage4Kids (D4K).
Beth Baumert, TDF’s President and CEO, said, “Lendon brings a world of knowledge, experience and common sense to The Dressage Foundation, and we’re thrilled to have her assume the role as Chairman.”
Barnett Steps Down
TDF extends great appreciation to Maryal Barnett (MI) as she steps down as Chairman. Maryal served in this role from 2015-2023, in addition to previously serving as Vice Chairman, Vice President, and on various committees. Maryal’s extensive history with the organization is unmatched, and TDF is grateful that Maryal will remain on the Board of Directors.
"TDF has benefited from Maryal’s wisdom and steadying influence for many years, and we’re greatly relieved that she’s staying on as a Board member,” said Beth Baumert.
TDF’s Board of Directors also established two new officer positions for 2024: Vice President of Development and Vice President of Grants and Programs. Nancy Hutson (CT, FL) and George Williams (VA, FL) will serve in these roles, respectively. Through these new roles, TDF will continue to grow in the areas of both fundraising and grants/programs. Additional new officer positions include Fern Feldman (CT) as Vice Chairman and Diane Skvarla (FL) as Secretary.
TDF Board of Directors for 2024
Members and Officers of the TDF Board of Directors for 2024 are:
Lendon Gray (NY), Chairman
Fern Feldman (CT), Vice Chairman
Beth Baumert (CT, FL), President and CEO
Nancy Hutson (CT, FL), Vice President of Development
George Williams (VA, FL), Vice President of Grants and Programs
Ryan Shumacher (CA), Treasurer
Diane Skvarla (FL), Secretary
Maryal Barnett (MI)
Barbara Cadwell (FL)
Nicole DelGiorno (NJ)
Sarah Geikie (CT)
Rebecca Hafner (MN)
Karin Reid Offield (MI)
Ralph Dreitzler (Director Emeritus)
Michael Poulin (Director Emeritus)
The Dressage Foundation
The Dressage Foundation is a non-profit, tax-exempt, donor-driven organization that is dedicated to educating, supporting, and advancing the sport of dressage. The organization solicits contributions, appropriately allocates the donations, and awards grants to dressage riders, judges, instructors, breeders, high-performance teams, nonprofit equestrian organizations, and more
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