This article is part of the 2024 Burgtagung coverage:
Part I: Today for Tomorrow - A Weekend Dedicated to Good Equestrian Sport at the 2024 Burgtagung
Part II: Dr. Britta Schöffmann: "Everything Was Better in the Past, Wasn’t It?"
Part III: Anja Beran - "Schooling The Eye"
Part IV: Fair and Delightful Dressage Training with Uta Gräf and Anja Beran
-- Text and Photos © Silke Rottermann for Eurodressage
More than a decade ago German trainer and Grand Prix rider Uta Gräf took care of a little dressage revolution when she was launched on the international scene with her shiny black Holsteiner stallion Le Noir (by Leandro x Caletto I). Her strikingly wild platinum blonde hair and big smile are her trademarks, just like her horse keeping and her versatile training out of the ordinary of the dressage world.
The feeling Uta could give to the public and for which they loved her is that dressage is a fun affair for rider and equine and it is exactly this impression which needs to be renewed these days. The Burgtagung was one opportunity to rekindle it.
Part II: Fair and Delightful Dressage Training
gelding Sisco de Luxe M (by Sansicso x Frederick)
While Uta introduced the gelding to Anja Beran and the crowd, she fumbled at the crown-piece of the bridle to lengthen the cheek-pieces, making the people laugh by commenting it "this would never happen to you, Anja, I would love to have a bit of your attitude." Beran replied, "and I would like to look at the world a bit more relaxed." Their banter added to the beautiful atmosphere in which the two ladies worked together.
'to be here' and she allows him to canter
in the frame he feels happy in at this very moment.
Uta then brought the house down by telling how they bought a bigger, white saddle cloth to influence the optic and were successful with it, which make Beran say "great, others would have changed the horse instead."
Even though Uta told Anja Beran and the audience it is the passage which she would like to work on, she started the real working phase by executing trot-walk-transitions leading to piaffe, which Sisco undoubtedly has a talent for as he truly takes weight behind. "I have to take care that he is up and slightly open when I initiate the piaffe," Gräf commented this first promising attempt of the day. Anja Beran observed and then recommended "Execute it quieter, he still won’t die off. But if he piaffes in a quieter way, it becomes even more elevated and more beautiful. He could become a bit taller in front because he is sometimes a bit quicker behind than in front. And if he raises in front, he will become quicker there."
advised not to hollow him too much to the outside
"If one trains solidly from the beginning, it is easy. Riding itself isn’t easy, but if the basis is correct, it is easy for the horse. Also a horse with much less talent needs to execute this movement with the same lightness. Only the preparation for such a horse is more effortful, to get each step through gymnastics," Beran made the spectators think and reminded them of the original goal of dressage which seems long lost in many people’s minds.
steps and a light connection, the horse
carries himself
From the highest form of positive tension to the utmost relaxation proves that the work is done in a way Anja Beran would call "fair." Uta was not only beaming from ear to ear, but quickly came to the conclusion that one should finish a session with such "happiness hormones," adding that "Sisco doesn’t care the least if I compete him at a show or not. Because I ride him there the very same way like at home."
Anja Beran then reminded the audience that exactly this was the original idea behind dressage competitions: "A dressage show as a check where the rider gets feedback on what he can improve. A dressage show is an orientation, but now we are very far away from this!"
"That is why we have to change something," Beran concluded. Uta Gräf told me at the end of the event that "I think Anja and I are totally different types with the same goal. The fascinating aspect about equestrian sport, no matter in which discipline, is training horses well and horse-friendly and this is what we have in common. The fact that Anja as a classical rider and I as somebody competing have so many things in common and enrich each other, speaks for itself. I also really liked the atmosphere during this event: The horses, riders and audience were relaxed and harmonious."
-- Text and Photos © Silke Rottermann for Eurodressage